Writing Homework Help

AMU Week 7 Art Albrecht Durers Knight Death and the Devil Paper


Choose one artist or architect that is included in any week of our course lessons, readings, or other areas. In this paper, provide a brief biography of the art, discuss the artist’s style, information about the time period or art movement, philosophy, and analyze an artwork by the artist.  Your paper should include:

  • An introduction in which you let the reader know the purpose and scope of the paper, fully identifying the artist and artwork you are discussing
  • A thesis, located at the end of the introduction in which you make a statement about the artwork and the artist. For example, you might state when the artist created the artwork in terms of his biography and how the artwork is representative of his or her style. Or, the thesis could state how the artwork can be interpreted in light of the artist’s biography and main ideas or philosophy
  • .5-1-page biography of the artist. Choose information that helps us better understand the artwork and supports your thesis. Look at the year the artwork you’ve chosen was created and explain how it fits into the artist’s biography. 
  • .5-1 page discussion of the artist’s style as demonstrated in the artwork, and information about the artist’s time period or art movement and any cultural or historical information that helps us better understand the artwork. 
  • 1-2 pages: A description, formal analysis, and interpretation of the artwork by the artist. (Refer to the description, analysis, and interpretation sections of  Writing an Art Critique and use terms from Formal Analysis Guide). Note, that unlike your museum paper, you are incorporating more research into your interpretation. 
  • A short, one-paragraph conclusion that addresses your thesis statement and explains why you chose the artist or architect
  • References section that includes at least 3 reliable sources, at least two of which should be either book chapters or peer-reviewed scholarly articles (see JSTOR below)

It is best to choose an artist we have studied in the class. If you’d like to choose another artist or architect, please email the instructor by the end of Week 5 for permission. Do not choose artwork that you have already written or was discussed by you or other students in the discussion forums.  

For research sources, see if the museum or institution that owns the work of art has a website, or if it’s a building, if it is a UNESCO heritage site. Other reliable sources include Smarthistory and the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. For scholarly, peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, visit the APUS online library, look at the course guides, and optionally use the “Ask the Librarian” resource. A recommended library database is JSTOR. Wikipedia should not be relied upon or cited. Summarize research information in your own words and include your sources at the end of your paper and include in-text citation. Your papers will be reviewed for plagiarism.

Here is a summary of what you will submit:

  • An introductory paragraph with thesis statement
  • A .5-1-page discussion of the artist’s biography
  • A .5-1-page discussion of the time period or art movement, including a discussion of style and historical and cultural context
  • A 1-2-page description, formal analysis, and interpretation of a work of art
  • A “Works Cited” or “References” list with 3 reference sources. 2 sources should be peer-review from scholarly journals or books.
  • Format using the citation style of your choosing — APA or MLA — with double spacing.  (Arial 10 or Times-New Roman 12), including in-text citation
  • Submit your paper as a Word document
  • Include an image of the artwork
  • The paper should be contained in one document file. 

This is a formal essay, written in the third person, but please end with why you chose this artist

Artist is Albercht Durer