Name the command that can be used to do each of the following: a. Create an alias called mm that…

Name the command that can be used to do each of the following:

a. Create an alias called mm that displays only those filesystems that are mounted and contain an ext4 filesystem.

b. Create and export a variable called NEWHOME that is equivalent to the value contained in the HOME variable. c. Find all files that start with the word “host” starting from the /etc directory and save the Standard Output to a file called file1 and the Standard Error to the same file.

 d. Display only the lines from the output of the set command that have the word “bash” in them. This output on the terminal screen should be sorted alphabetically.

 e. Display only the user name (first field) in the colon-delimited /etc/passwd file and save the output to a file called users in the current directory