I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Refugees and Repatriation : Case Study on Israel. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. On the other hand, the concept of repatriation can be defined as the method of sending back the person or rather the refugee to his/her place of birth or citizenship on the basis that they generally lack legal identification in the foreign country. It principally comprises of the method of returning the refugees or the soldiers to their place of birth after the war. There are various countries that are found to be following specific rules to repatriation including Israel. In the recent phenomenon, it has been noted that Israel is making an attempt to return the asylum seekers who have entered the Israeli border from Egypt. When making such practices, Israel has been criticised to be disobeying the international laws as per the paper submitted by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees. Such ‘hot return policy’ permits Israel Defence Force armies to repatriate the ‘infiltrators’ to the neighbouring country prior to 24 hours since their entry in the Israeli border and also provided they have not travelled more than 50 kilometres from the border.2. Eli Yishai in an interview presented the Israeli government’s view related to the African migrants stating that majority of the immigrants coming into Israel are Muslims who perceive that the land does not belong to the Israeli’s rather ‘belong to the white man’. Previously, nearly 700 refugees belonging to South Sudan as their country of origin used to live in Israel and had established permission to stay in the nation. However, it was noted that Israel government argued for the eviction of these Sudanese on the basis of the argument that the country has become independent recently essentializing the uniqueness of Israeli identification. With this concern, it has been argued by the critics that most of the Sudanese are likely to face violence if they return back to their country of origin, i.e. South Sudan due to persecution3. It has been apparent that there are thousands of unauthorised African migrants dwelling in Israel owing to which the nation was forcing nearly 120 South Sudanese to repatriate. Furthermore, delegates from South Sudan also did not oppose the repatriation because of the fact that Israel was found to be offering monetary incentive to the migrants in order to leave voluntarily. It is to be noted in this regard that near about 60,000 deprived Africans belonging to Eritrea and South Sudan have migrated into Israel since the year 2005, escaping brutal regimes as well as looking for employment opportunities. The invasion has led to friction among the Israeli dwellers where it has been apparent that certain incidents have turned sadistic. It was claimed by the higher authorities that the migrants impose substantial burden upon the economy and hence intimidate to ruin Israel’s related Jewish character. In light of the public chaos, the Israeli government was found initiating a campaign in order to push out migrants from South Sudan as well as other countries which are termed to be in good relation with the Israel and hence asserted the fact that these migrants would be treated fairly. It has been anticipated that Israel would push out nearly 4,500 Africans in the near future. This operation is likely to create an impact upon the total number of the migrants currently residing in the nation.