Assignment Content A project plan outlines recommended approaches on how to use the network, database management system, software, and cloud service technologies selected. Industry best practices dictate selection criteria and their importance to a specific project; therefore, a project plan draft should include the recommended approaches, their criteria, and the benefits each is expected to deliver to the project.For this assignment, you will draft a project plan for the project proposal you outlined in Week 1for the business scenario you chose last week. Your draft must include the following items: Network technology recommendation(s) Database management system recommendation(s) Appropriate software application recommendation(s) Cloud service recommendation(s)Please note that I do not consider simply parroting back material from another source to be sufficient – you will need to provide your material in your own words and discuss or describe how any external material you provide relates to the scenario. Also, please make sure you properly paraphrase, quote, reference and cite any material you are discussing.