I will pay for the following article Baby Boomers are a Viable Market. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Baby Boomers are a Viable Market. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Because advertisers are trying to gain the attention of their target consumer group, they work hard to depict the ideals of society. If young and slim is attractive, they will work that into their presentation in as many ways as they can. If macho and hard is the current fashion, this, too, will be reflected in the way a product is marketed. At the same time, by changing the way they combine different types of visual clues, these same media outlets can help to redefine a culture, to make it more tolerant of ecological issues, for example, or to change the way society views gender roles. Studies are utilized by advertising agencies to identify potential buying demographics. This information is then used to target specific markets and to learn about public attitudes, why they buy specific products and what sort of promotions would most appeal to their desires to purchase. To some companies, marketing is about generating sales, period. It is therefore surprising to discover how little advertising is actually targeted toward the baby boom generation. Although our culture seems to worship youth above all else, the reality is that the baby boom generation, now entering retirement, remains a large and greatly viable market.

Baby Boomer is the term used to designate a specific age group in American society, generally defined as those who were born between the years 1946 and 1964. The generation is named this in recognition of the ‘boom’ of births that took place immediately following the return of soldiers home from World War II (Jones, 1981). These individuals shared a number of experiences during their generation that serves to unite them, including the murder of a president, the first footsteps on the moon, the ‘rebirth’ of the ‘60s and the large-scale introduction of psychedelic drugs into the marketplace.