ASSIGNMENT: A final project is a BOOK reflection for a biography of a multicultural leader. The students are required to READ a biography of the leader FROM THE PAST and answer the following questions

ASSIGNMENT: A final project is a BOOK reflection for a biography of a multicultural leader. The students are required to READ a biography of the leader FROM THE PAST and answer the following questions in an extensive format: -Why did you choose this leader for your report? -What are the leader’s main accomplishments? -What are the leader’s main challenges? -Describe in detail a ‘Hero’s Journey’ for the leader. Include all stages. Who are the main characters, that helped the leader on his journey? How specifically did they help him? -If you were born as that leader in his or her time, what would you do differently in his/her life? -What are the main three traits that you can adapt from this leader? What steps do you need to take to adapt to these characteristics? Create a strategic plan with objectives, tasks, timeline, and desired outcomes. -If there was one advice you could give to that leader from what you know today, what would it be? OUTCOME: a written report (2,500 words)