Assume you are a manager and you have just discovered that an overseas contractor, who is a major supplier for your company, has recently been revealed as operating with poor working conditions for em

Assume you are a manager and you have just discovered that an overseas contractor, who is a major supplier for your company, has recently been revealed as operating with poor working conditions for employees (uses child labor, pays low wages, requires long hours, provides no benefits, etc.).Draft an internal communication that you believe will effectively address the issues of the above scenario. Your message must accomplish the following:

  • Clearly identify your target audience(s)
  • Provide an overview of the situation
  • Promote the strategic goals of your company
  • Use an appropriate tone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ensure the appropriate message is communicated in your post. Remember that your target audience will likely vary in terms of culture and gender. Post your proposed communication.