Professional Workplace Dress Code Discussion
Student 1 Discussion
Wells Fargo’s Dress Code
Retail banks tend to be one of the more formal establishments people frequently visit. As a result of the historic expectation for bank employees to be dressed professionally, Wells Fargo has a fairly strict dress code for its employees. Though, different positions may allow for different attire. Managers are expected to wear suits with ties, whereas tellers and bankers can generally dress in business casual, without a jacket or a tie at all. Grooming is important across the board though, all employees are expected to appear clean and neatly put together. At the end of the day though, the dress code varies depending on individual branch managers and district managers. Some will require all employees to dress in formal business attire, such as a suit and a tie, whereas others will encourage their employees to dress more comfortably instead.
What constitutes a professional dress code has been well established in retail banking for centuries. Banks and tellers need to appear clean and professional so as to build trust with their customers, this is usually done with dress shirts, neatly tucked in, with dress pants and a well-kept head of hair. Polo shirts are generally seen as too casual for a banker but may suit a teller more adequately given the less involved transactional nature of working with a teller. A teller may also be able to wear a more comfortable pair of shoes, whereas female bankers may be expected to wear high heels, tellers can wear flats so as to move around more comfortably. Essentially the basic hierarchy of retail banking has an inverse relationship with the formality of dress code allowed for employees. Tellers can wear business casual, bankers can wear business attire, and managers are expected to wear formal business attire.