Business Finance Homework Help

University of California Davis Business Management Job Interview Questions


Assignment objective:

  • Prepare responses to typical job interview questions.

Connection to chapter 14 learning objective:

  • This assignment measures the learning objective: Describe what to do during an interview, including controlling nonverbal messages and answering typical interview questions.


Please read the directions carefully. You must use guidelines from the text. Write three to five sentences for each question. Proofread your writing for clarity, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


  1. Tell me about yourself. (Page 485)
  2. Why should I hire you? (Tips on page 486)
  3. What are your greatest strengths? (Page 486)
  4. Tell me about a time you solved a difficult problem. (Use of STAR technique required for this question, pages 488-9)
  5. What is your greatest weakness? (Page 487. Tip: When answering this question, remember that you never want to say anything negative about yourself or anyone else in an interview.)

6.Why do you want to work here? (Page 486. Have a real organization in mind; you do not need to tell me what it is.)

Note: Please base on the Accounting major When you anwer the question, thank you!