Business Finance Homework Help

CTC Principle in A Global Economy Sports Industry Soccer Essay


The requirement for this essay is that you must select at least ONE domestic or international

company within your industry choice (for example, if you are in the social media industry you

must write about a social media company, not a company outside of this industry, for

example, Nike) and write an essay where you analyze the successes and/or failures of how your

company of choice expanded domestically and/or internationally. Your analysis will show how

the company formed, what problems it faced as it tried to grow and expand, some of the issues

the company faced as it grew using at least two of the concepts we have talked about in class

(for example, labor, competitive strategy, marketing, supply chain, etc.), and finally, in your

conclusion, what is the international outlook for the company’s future (if you do not think your

company will expand internationally, you must give a reason why using the concepts we have

studied this semester.) To help guide you through the writing process, I have included a very

specific format for the paper.


Requirements: The essay must be between 3 and 5 pages (not including your sources page),

double-spaced, and use no higher than 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins.

Your essay must be submitted as either a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or Adobe

.pdf document. Footnotes or endnotes are not required in the paper however, students must

cite their sources using Chicago or MLA style citations.

Your essay must address each of the specific set of questions laid out below. It must be divided

into the following parts listed below. I am doing this to help students better organize their


1. Introduction: Introduce the company—what are they and what do they do? What is its

history? How did they develop? How are they structured (multi- domestic, truly global, etc.)?

2. Problem: What problem(s) did the businesses face and what were theprimary causes?

What additional factors affected the situation? How did the businesses work to solve the

problem(s)? Were the businesses successful in solving the problem(s)? Why or why not?

3. Implications: What are the potential implications of the issues the companies faced? In

other words, how did (or how will) the problem impact thebusinesses?

4. Analysis: How can the theories and concepts we have learned in class beapplied to or

explain the situation?

5. Conclusion: What is the international outlook for the company’s future (if you do not

think your company will expand internationally, you must give a reason why using the

concepts we have studied this semester.)