California College San Diego Transparency and Ethics at Everlane Discussion
I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
List the top 3 issues in “Transparency and Ethics at Everlane'” Number these issues in terms of which should be dealt with first: 1 = should be addressed first, 2 = addressed after 1, 3 = should only be addressed after the first two. Three paragraphs total (one per issue). 100-150 words each paragraph.
Discuss the following 2 items for each issue:
1). Why is this issue urgent for the company? What will happen if the company does not act now?
2). Why is this issue important for the company? What will be the effect of this issue if it is not addressed until later?
Note the differences between urgent and important: If, for example, you learn that OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is knocking at your manufacturing plant’s door, the issue is far more urgent than if you had received a letter from them informing you they will be at the plant in a month for an inspection.