Sydney Institute of Business and Technology Management Accounting Discussion
Students to review the available financial and non-financial outcomes related to the operation of an Australian business as reported for the 2019 financial year. ( Financial Report is attached in the attachment).
Students are to consider changes made by the company as they adapt to the changed commercial conditions and report how these are designed to help the company deal with this current crisis, Covid 19.
Students are to relate how such changes may (or may not) related to current, available academic literature relating to management accounting and the supply chain in effecting corporate performance.
Students should also, suggest one additional measure this company may make to their operations and suggest relevant financial or non-financial measures of performance to monitor and control management outcomes during this crisis period. This measure may include, supply chain changes, product mix changes, and possibly pricing strategy changes.
Careful consideration is to be given to the financial and non-financial measures proposed and these selections should be supported by appropriate theory.
(Guidance note – The executive management tactics and changes to strategy in each company will be sufficiently discussed in 2020 (and if available, 2021) Annual Reports, and this will form the first half of your report to management – recognize changes implemented.
The three suggested additional measures will be speculative in nature due to the limited knowledge of the internal functions of the organization however suggestions for monitoring performance and controlling operations, especially during a crisis, should be supported by relevant literature and theory.)
Below is the company website. Pleas only use academic sources.