Contribution of Technology in Managing NGOs During the Covid 19 Review
Literature Review
1. The Literature Review:
For most research projects, the process of reviewing the literature and starting to draft your review will be an early activity. Despite this early start, it is usually necessary to continue refining your review throughout your project’s life. The process can be likened to an upward spiral, culminating in the finished product, a written critical literature review of the literature. Once you have a good knowledge of the literature sources available then you could start composing your initial draft of your paper. The literature sources you are likely to make the most use of are often referred to as:
- secondary literature sources, information analyzed by another person/author, being formally published in journals and books.
- grey (or primary) literature sources, these being items produced by all levels of government, academics, business, and industry in print and electronic formats, but which are not controlled by commercial publishers; including materials such as reports and conference proceedings.
Make sure to plan your literature search appropriately. It is important that you plan this search carefully to ensure that you locate relevant and up-to-date literature. This will enable you to establish what research has previously been published in your area and to relate your own research to it. All our students have found their literature search a time-consuming process, which takes far longer than expected. Fortunately, time spent planning will be repaid in time saved when searching for relevant literature. As you start to plan your search, you need to beware of information overload! One of the easiest ways to avoid this is to start the main search for your critical review with the clearly defined research question(s), objectives, and your research justification.
2. Research Approach:
Your research approach has to be clear and concise before attempting to perform your search for data and supporting documents. Your research could be one of the following:
- Qualitative Research Paper
- Quantitative Research Paper
- Mixed methods Research Paper
- Systematic Literature Review
– 2nd document
Learning Engagement # 5
1. Select one of your top references (sources) from your course project lit review. Articulate why this is one of your most important sources. For example, do you have something in common with the author? Is the attraction about the setting? The topic? The location?
2. Express what you have not yet found in a reference/source. What are you looking for? (Can you see where this is going?…This is where your peers and I are going to support you)!
3. Your two responses to peers (due Sunday) are to find an article to support THEM or to add some suggestions.
Stress Is Up
The resulting data revealed that since the onset of the pandemic, stress levels at work have increased for 61 percent of recruiters, with 19 percent reporting a drastic increase in stress.
Not surprisingly, some respondents cited elevated stress from working with reduced resources and dealing with job insecurity while others have had to adjust to rapidly staffing up to fill urgently needed positions—all while living with the public health crisis themselves.
“Every recruiter has been personally impacted by the pandemic and the economy,” said Kerry Gilliam, vice president of marketing at Jobvite. “The job has changed so much this year, specifically the switch to recruiting and hiring virtually. Maybe you weren’t used to using video interviews and had to get used to it quick. Not only recruiting and interviewing but also onboarding had to be done virtually. That kind of change will cause stress.”
Because of cloud technology, a recruiter can successfully work remotely, but during the pandemic they also had to be parents, teachers and caretakers while working from home, said Tim Sackett, SHRM-SCP, president of HRU Technical Resources, an engineering and design staffing firm based in Lansing, Mich.…
Be sure to proofread carefully (Use Grammarly – the premium version! Make sure your writing score is more than 90) and cite your sources (APA 7.0 ed).
- Post your 650 word.
- Offer at least two 350 word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions.
Locate and read a related and recent peer-reviewed journal article to use as reference in addition to textbook. Post what you learned from the article and textbook.
3rd document
Final Paper Draft
This is where you get a chance to put your ideas together in a form of a draft. The most important aspect of writing a paper is to have a clear flow of material that sets the basis for your final paper. You should use the following guideline that is designed to give you a clear picture of what is expected from you. Also not the attached guideline!
Anderson, D. L. (2017). Organization Development (4th ed.).
Question 1: Select one of your top references (sources) from your course project lit review. Articulate why this is one of your most important sources. For example, do you have something in common with the author? Is the attraction about the setting? The topic? The location?
One of the top references I have used in the literature review section of my project is Shabbir and Gardezi (2020). This research directly addresses the relationship between big data analytics and organization performance which are the variables identified in my study. Moreover, this study was published in 2020, making it recent and up to date with the current trends in big data analytics. In addition to being a primary research study, the researchers obediently followed the standard research process. This means that the readers can identify the purpose of the research, the choice of research design and methods, instruments used to collect data, the hypothesis tested, data analysis, and research findings. The transparent processes used in this research give the readers the confidence that the research was executed entirely, and thus the results can be trusted.
The researchers identified the knowledge gap in the literature and the managerial and theoretical implications of their findings. These aspects give the readers the confidence that the research is not a duplication of what is already done by other researchers. It demonstrates that the time and resources that completed the research study did not go to waste but were worth the efforts. The researchers have demonstrated some elements of honesty in their research study by listing the limitations in their study, including the cross-sectional research design that was applied (Shabbir & Gardezi, 2020). This is a quality I share with the researchers—trustworthiness, honesty, and diligence in research and any other academic activities.
Furthermore, the researchers have provided direction by highlighting the areas to cover in future research. In the same spirit of diligence in research, the researchers cited and referenced the sources they used to complete their study. This action implies that the researchers appreciate the efforts invested by other scholars and give credit where it is due.
Question 2: Express what you have not yet found in a reference/source. What are you looking for? (Can you see where this is going?… This is where your peers and I are going to support you)!
I believe I have found everything I need in a reference. I have had an easy time accessing the research articles relevant to my topic. The electronic databases, in addition to the library, allow me to access a wide variety of sources. Additionally, I appraise the sources before choosing the knowledge to use in my research study. During the appraisal, I paid critical attention to the standard research process. Specifically, I look at the purpose of the research, research design, and methods. I take time to examine if the research methods used in the study are appropriate and consistent with the purpose of the research and the variables identified. The electronic databases allow me to use search terms, truncation symbols, and Boolean operators to limit my search to an area of interest. Besides, these databases allow researchers to limit the search by year of publication. Specifically, this function has helped me lend some of the recent and peer-reviewed sources which present strong evidence and new knowledge in a study.
When considering sources to use in my study, I also look at the authors. I pay attention to the previous works completed by the authors. Authors who have written several sources on a given topic are considered to have immense knowledge of that particular topic. Thus, their sources hold more weight than research studies conducted by researchers whose portfolios do not show previous research on a given topic. Again, on the author’s profile, I look at the organization where the authors work and the organizations the authors are affiliated. I believe that the researchers working in reputable organizations such as the federal institutions have access to superior resources and data generated from years of research which gives them an edge of advantage in that topic.
I also looked at the journal that published the research study. Reputable journals undertake a peer–review process before the study is published. It can be argued that the research article published in reputable journals are peer-reviewed can be trusted.
Shabbir, M. Q., & Gardezi, S. B. W. (2020). Application of big data analytics and organizational performance: the mediating role of knowledge management practices. Journal of Big Data, 7(1), 1-17.
- Select one of your top references (sources) from your course project lit review. Articulate why this is one of your most important sources. For example, do you have something in common with the author? Is the attraction about the setting? The topic? The location?
Top reference: Li-Fan, W., Ing-Chung, H., Wei-Chang, H., & Pey-Lan Du. (2019). Aligning organizational culture and operations strategy to improve innovation outcomes: An integrated perspective in organizational management. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(2), 224-250.…
Topic: The Impact of Technology in Driving Organizational Development and the Role of OD Consultants in Navigating Cultural Variation and Change.
Technology plays an important role in a business. Presently, organizational development and technology are closely related. Thus, different organizations are using technology to become more efficient, competitive, sustainable, and profitable. Either for making a statistical business model or organizational structure, IT has certainly increased the organization’s general performance. Technological advances aid productivity allowing restructuring of organizational structure, actions, tasks, and culture (Karlyna, 2021).
Conversely, the role of culture in an organization cannot be overemphasized. Organizational culture has effects not only on the organization itself but also on the employees (Kartolo & Kwantes, 2019). Organizational culture is one of the influences seen to lie at the heart of a firm’s innovation capacity (Li-Fan et al., 2019). An OD practitioner can integrate culture to identify potential obstacles and resistance to change and consequently harness cooperation within an organization. “To the OD consultant, symbolic and cultural observations about an organization remain a powerful source of data” (Anderson, 2017, p. 67). Organizational culture can also be integrated with technology to form a strategy. Thus, “organizational culture is one of the factors considered to lie at the heart of a firm’s innovation ability” (Li-Fan et al., 2019, p. 225).
The importance of the article to my research is its study overview that points out how innovation can be brought together with culture as a yardstick to drive organizational growth. Apart from the importance of a flexible management approach that encourages groups to increase collectiveness and social exchange to promote innovative behavior, as stated as one of the findings of the research, favorable HRM tools which an OD practitioner can also manage to stimulate employees to more work contribution and participation, job satisfaction, etc. is another key finding of the study.
This topic is also relevant to my study because it investigates both culture and organizational operations to enhance innovation outcomes.
Source: (Bar-Am et al., 2020).
The Covid-19 crisis has continued to show the importance of innovation, particularly innovative technology. Currently, “leaders face an important choice around supporting innovation-led growth in the short term, one that may have lasting consequences for their companies’ ability to grow in the years to come” (Bar Am et al., 2020). Thus, to enable organizational development with the crisis, organizations will profit from inculcating a flexible culture and working model that help rally innovation states, Bar-Am et al. (2020).
- Express what you have not yet found in a reference/source. What are you looking for? (Can you see where this is going?… This is where your peers and I are going to support you)!
I couldn’t locate a journal article that studied a practical approach to integrating culture with innovation to drive organizational development.However, my study aims to assess the impact of technology in driving organizational development and investigate the role of OD practitioners in navigating cultural variation and change issues.
Anderson, D. L. (2017). Organizational Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change. London: 4th Ed. SAGE Publication Inc. ISBN: 978-1-5063-1657-4.
Bar Am, J., Furstenthal, L., Jorge, F., & Roth, E. (2020, June 17). Innovation in a crisis: Why it is more critical than ever. McKinsey:…
Karlyna. (2021). Impact of Technology on Organizational Development. Moose:…
Kartolo, A. B., & Kwantes, C. T. (2019). Organizational culture perceived societal and organizational discrimination. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(6), 602-618.
Li-Fan, W., Ing-Chung, H., Wei-Chang, H., & Pey-Lan Du. (2019). Aligning organizational culture and operations strategy to improve innovation outcomes: An integrated perspective in organizational management. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(2), 224-250.…