Business Finance Homework Help

San Diego State University Writing for Product Managers Report


Executive Summary – an overview of the report (1/2 page or less)

Introduction – Describe the type of work done in your field and the importance of writing. (1/2 page)

Methods – Describe the ways you conducted your research (1/2 page)

Findings/Results –What did you learn about the type of writing done in your field through the research? You should organize this by type of writing or genre using subheads as necessary. (2 pages)

Conclusion and Recommendations – How have the classes you have taken so far prepared you (or not) for the types of writing you describe in the findings? Are there classes you could take (or could have taken) that might prepare you? Overall, do you feel prepared to do the writing in your field? How do you plan to use the information you have learned to become a better writer?  What changes could be made in writing courses or courses in your major to better meet your future writing needs? (2/3-1 page)

APA References page – We will discuss how to do this for the unique sources in class

You should have at least 3 sources Your sources can be text- or web-based or people that you interview or survey