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Santa Monica College Steve Jobs Commencement Address Discussion


Watch the speakers and answer the following questions. 

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (Links to an external site.)Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Did the speaker/s appear confident and professional? Why or why not?

How well did the speaker/s use notes? If s/he didn’t use notes, then explain how you think they managed without notes.

What aspect of the speaker/s’ vocal delivery did s/he do well?

What aspect of gesturing and body movements did the speaker/s do well?

How well did the speaker/s use facial expressions effectively? If not, then explain why not.

How clear and complete was the conclusion of the performance?

  1. What was your most favorite part of the Event?
  2. What was your least favorite part of the Event?
  3. What did you learn from this speaker’s speech that you plan to use in your own speeches?
  4. What steps will you take to implement what you’ve learned from this speaker?
  5. Watch the speaker and answer the following questions.
  6. Did the speaker/s appear confident and professional? Why or why not?
  7. How well did the speaker/s use notes? If s/he didn’t use notes, then explain how you think they managed without notes.
  8. What aspect of the speaker/s’ vocal delivery did s/he do well?
  9. What aspect of gesturing and body movements did the speaker/s do well?
  10. How well did the speaker/s use facial expressions effectively? If not, then explain why not.

How clear and complete was the conclusion of the performance?

What was your most favorite part of the Event?

What was your least favorite part of the Event?

  1. What did you learn from this speaker’s speech that you plan to use in your own speeches?
  2. What steps will you take to implement what you’ve learned from this speaker?