Business Finance Homework Help

MGMT 3030 Motivation Satisfaction and Performance of Millennials Discussion

Watch the attached video, then discuss the following:

1.  What is your overall reaction to what he’s saying?  Do you agree or disagree?  

2.  Discuss your three biggest takeaways from this video.

You do not need to summarize the article for me.

Follow the reaction paper formatting instructions concerning spacing, margins, etc.  One liners and bullet points ARE NOT appropriate for these assignments!

I want you to think about what the article is telling you then list the three items that jump out at you related to the topics identified for the article

1.       In the first paragraph, you will list three items from the article that are relevant to the block of topics that I listed for each one, above.

2.       Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 will explain how those items you identified in the first paragraph relate back to the block of topics that were presented, and explain what you think the leader is doing correctly or what the leader needs to do better, as you have learned in your readings and class discussions.  I want you to rely more on what you have learned from the class than what is presented in the article, itself.  The purpose here is to demonstrate your knowledge and not regurgitate what is in the article.

3.       Write a short conclusion paragraph (5th paragraph) of why you found the article interesting.