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Suny College at Brockport Chapter 1 Moral Justification & Sports Management Paper


  1. Please read pp. 7-18 in chapter 1 of the Simon, Torres & Hager textbook and answer the following question in detail.
  2. In doing so, do not quote the authors; instead, please paraphrase the authors’ points. Answers including marked quotes will automatically have 10 points deducted from them.
  3. Answers with unmarked quotes (i.e. plagiarism) will earn zero points. Please submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word 
  4. Answers should be 2 pages double spaced and typed in 12 pt. font with 1 inch margins. What is relativism? Describe this general philosophic stance and explain in detail the differences between what Simon et al. refer to as “skepticism”, “descriptive relativism” and “ethical (value) relativism”. Feel free to use your own examples to demonstrate your understanding of the three concepts.


  1. After reading pp.30-31 in the Simon et al. textbook and the “Theories of Sport” Power Point, please answer the following question in detail.
  2. In doing so, please paraphrase the authors’ points in your own words. For this assignment, you may use short (1 sentence or less) marked quotes, as long as you attempt to explain them. 
  3. Answers with unmarked quotes (i.e. plagiarism) will earn zero points.Please submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word. 
  4. Answers should be 2 pages double spaced and typed in 12 pt. font with 1 inch margins.Conventionalists argue that conventional actions like strategic fouling in basketball, retaliation pitches in baseball, and fighting in NHL ice hockey are ethical because they are accepted as “part of the game” by the members of the respective sporting communities. According to the course materials assigned above, explain in detail why the claim that an action is “part of the game” alone does not provide a strong moral justification for that action within a sport. Feel free to use sport examples in your answer.