Encountering Stress and Ways to Overcome Stress Discussion Paper
This assignment gives you the opportunity to conduct an interview, as well as to understand time management from others perspective.
You are required to interview three (3) individuals who are employed. Participants can be friends, family members, or students but they should at least be employed. At least two (2) of the respondents should have a family to include child/children.
1. Find out their perception of time management. (in other words what time management means to them)
2. Find out what does a typical day in their life looks like. (i.e. chart their day)
3. Find out if they are encountering any form of stress because of their daily duties. If yes, how do they deal with it, if no, how do they overcome not being stressed
4. Find out how they manage their time and the strategies that they use.
5. Find out which strategy they believe is most effective and why.
6. Ask for suggestions on how to reduce procrastination
7. Any other pertinent information you want to ask that is relevant
Please include information of the participants. Name, job title, contact information etc.
include “things you learned from the interviewing exercise and how you will use the things you learned to prepare for your future interviews”.