OU Internal Awareness Is how People View Themselves Essay
Listen to this podcast (50 min) with an interview with Dr. Tasha Eurich about her book “Insight: Why We’re Not as Self-Aware as We Think, and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life.” As you listen, pay particular attention to her description of internal and external self-awareness, pillars of awareness, and obstacles to our self-awareness. There are great ideas for building our self-awareness within the podcast.
1. What are the 3 key takeaway points you would like to remember from the podcast? What reactions/questions/comments do you have from the material?
2. Using the strategy recommended by Dr. Eurich to ask “what, not why” within event-based journaling, write about the most challenging event you experienced this week. What was going on in that situation? What part of the situation do you own? What can you do in the future to address it?
3. To build your external self-awareness, you will engage in a mini-360 degree feedback assessment available here https://edge.sagepub.com/system/files/Ch%202%20Questionnaire_0.pdf
A. Give the inventory to 3-5 people who know you and ask them to fill it out.
B. Complete the assessment for yourself.
C. Compare your own assessment to the others? Where did you rate higher or lower? What might you want to focus on in your own development?