Okanagan Evolution of Transportation and It’s Impact on Accommodation in Canada Paper
One-Page Essay 1 – Evolution of Transportation and It’s impact on Accommodation in Canada (Due Sep 24, 23:55)Turnitin Assignment 2
Transportation in Canada has evolved significantly over the past 100 years. Significant advancements include the completion of the transcontinental railway, the completion of the trans-Canada highway, and the evolution of affordable jet transportation. Each of these advancements had a significant impact on the accommodation sector and the nature of accommodation offerings in Canada. Discuss how the evolution of transportation and accommodation are related. What do you see as major future evolutions?
These exercises are designed to improve your critical thinking skills and your analytical writing abilities. For each theory assigned, you must write a one-page essay, due on the day indicated on the Moodle drop box provided. This essays should have the following sections:
- Title:
The first line should contain a brief title expressive of the main point of your essay. - Summary:
Very briefly summarize, in your own words, the main idea and purpose of the theory. This should be no more than a short (3 to 4 sentence) paragraph. These essays are exercises in analytical thinking and critical writing, not in creating a simple summary of the theory. Here you may use a diagram (use smart art or drawing tools in word). If you use a diagram include it as an appendix on a second page. It will not count towards the length of the essay. - Analysis:
Analyze how this theory can be applied in creating tourism strategy and policy. This analytical section should be the bulk of your essay. In this section you should discuss how the theory can inform decision making and the creation sound tourism policy. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the theory and possible ways to mitigate those weaknesses.This section must include secondary research into the theory and its’ application. You must provide at least two additional outside sources of information that are properly cited and referenced in APA format.
- Conclusion:
Very briefly conclude, in your own words, why this theory is important in studying tourism. This should be no more than a short (2 to 3 sentence) paragraph..