IFSM 438 3850 Information Systems Project Management ITP – 4 Project Execution-Track-Changes W8
Assignment for the IPT-4 Project Deliverable
This assignment has 3 parts:
Part 1: A Change Management Plan (CMP), in MS Word format.See textbook, PMI.org, the LEO classroom, and other professional PM Web sites for details; use an Internet search if necessary.Unlike the risk register, the CMP is not a list of changes and their status and handling.Rather, the change management plan is what it sounds like: a plan for how the project intends to manage any changes that may occur.The CMP should include at least the following:
- Methodology, strategy, and tools for handling changes
- Roles and responsibilities for change management
- Organization for change management (CCB, etc.)
- Change process (flowchart and/or description)
- Budget for change handling process.This is not the cost of implementing the changes listed in the “1.Required Changes” section above, but rather is the cost of the CCB and running the change process.The costs of implementing the individual, specified changes, is a separate item that can be tracked via Earned Value calculations and other methods, below.
- (Normally the change process budget would be part of the project budget from the beginning, but we neither mentioned nor required that in this class.So for this class only, your change management budget will be over and above the project budget (i.e., in addition to the project budget) instead of coming out of your project budget as part of the project budget.)
- Important note:Use of outlines, examples, and templates that you may find (including those in the textbook) is acceptable for the structure and outline of this document.However, the substance must be your own original work and must include proper quotation, citation, attribution, and bibliography of sources and works used.
Part 2: Updated project schedule in MS Project (.mpp) reflecting the specified changes listed in the “1.Required Changes” section above, including a tracking Gantt chart comparing the new schedule to the baselined schedule, in MS Project (.mpp) format. Suggested fields to include should include those listed in the document titled: “MSP Fields to Include in ITPDeliverables” located in your Course Content area.
Part 3:
(a) A brief narrative description of how you effected or applied the changes listed in the “1.Required Changes” section above.For instance, if there was no software (item 3, above), then what did you change instead to simulate a similar change?What were the ripple effects (item 5, above) that the changes triggered?And so forth.
(b) A Word document describing what project documentation needs to be changed (and what the needed changes are) in order to implement the specified changes listed in the “1.Required Changes” section above. You need not update the documents, just describe, in general terms, what would need to be updated.
- (Note:Ordinarily in a real-world project, we would also update and submit the consolidated project management plan (PMP) document (TTP-4) reflecting all changes and updates.However, for this class, we will omit this step.)
(c) Overall earned value analysis.(That is, “overall” indicates do it once for the project as a whole, not for each individual task.Though doing it for each task would be acceptable if MSP does it for you, only the overall whole-project earned value calculations are indicated for this assignment.Do not do individual task calculations of EV by hand.) You may use MS Project to do so, if you can, or you can do it yourself with a pocket calculator or (probably better yet) do it yourself in Excel; you can use the formulas on the Gold Card or the formulas in my weekly Commentary, or the formulas in the textbook. Any way, you do it, you will get most of the data from your MSP .mpp, then plug it into the formulas.
The goal is to come up with EAC and Estimated Cost to Complete (ECTC), but you’ll need to calculate the rest in order to get there, therefore please calculate and submit the following figures.They need not be in a MS Word attachment, but may be answered directly in your Assignments Folder posting, as you wish.
As in a math class, show your work, i.e., show your formulas, input data, and calculations as well as your results.
Include at least the following EV figures (you may include more if you wish):
- Original Budget at Completion (BAC) (baselined)
- New Estimate at Completion (EAC) (changed)
- New Estimated Cost to Complete (ECTC) (changed)
- Original Planned Value (PV, BCWS) (baselined)
- Actual Cost so far (AC, ACWP) (changed)
- Earned Value so far (EV, BCWP)
- Schedule Variance (SV)
- Cost Variance (CV)
- Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- Cost Performance Index (CPI)
(d) Finally, answer the following questions in the previously discussed Word document and submit them along with your other files in your Assignments Folder.
- What was the effect of the changes on your project cost?How much did it increase?Are you still on budget or are you over budget now?
2What was the effect on your project schedule?How much did it increase?Are you still on schedule or are you late now?
3.What would you recommend doing to handle these changes and risks, assuming that the client cannot get any more money (it’s a fixed grant) and that it still has to be installed by the original deadline (before?Do not make changes in your project schedule .mpp or budget or documents to reflect this recommendation.Simply state what things you would recommend doing to handle the situation.
Item 1 (the Change Management Plan) should be a separate MS Word document of its own.Item 2 (the updated .mpp file), of course, is a separate file of its own.Items 3-6 (description of how you implemented the changes, description of needed updates to other documentation, earned value analysis, and answers to the questions) can be submitted in a single, consolidated MS Word document.So your submission for grading should include three files.
Approximate breakdown by areas include:
- General: Structure, Format, Mechanics, Style (~5%)
- Changed .MPP Schedule (~33%)
- Change Management Plan (~40%)
- Documentation Update (~7%)
- Questions (~15%)
- EV Calculations (Up to ~7%)