EBM 680 ECPIU Fashion Generation Risk Management Plan
Activity 1: Requirements Management Plan
Using the template provided, create a requirements management plan for your project. Note that it will depend on what project management framework or methodology you choose (Agile vs. waterfall).
Activity 2: RIsk Register
Using the template provided in the Important Documents folder, document the risks and opportunities for the project using qualitative analysis/scoring. Type or Category is used to group risks with common themes so that perhaps they can be mitigated with minimal actions. These would look like: Scope, Budget, Safety, Quality, Staffing, etc. Document at least 5 risks.
Document at least 5 risks.
Activity 3: Status Report
Using the template provided, submit an executive status report as if your fictional project were nearing completion. Note that not every field in this template is going to apply – in particular, do not complete the section on Integration Milestones.