Strayer University the Postal Services Mission & Strategy Discussion
I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Hello Everyone,
The Postal Service’s mission is to provide the nation with reliable, affordable, universal mail service (1). This mission is impossible unless they have the best employees who play a major role in executing this mission.
The key elements of my strategic plan will be to reduce non-career employee turnover in half, support career planning, training and development, as well as promotion and advancement. Create retention strategies that will strengthen succession planning. Lastly implement programs that will improve the onboarding experience.
When this plan is executed, it will be successful because the weakest link or group who has suffered the most will have their issues made a priorioty and eventually resolved. The pandemic exacerbated long-standing issues that could no longer be ignored.In resolving these issues, we will mplement better onboarding, and development processes for all employees for a overall benefit and change of culture. help accelerate our performance
What are the most critical findings in your analysis of market conditions and data that indicate this is the best strategic option to pursue?
Most of the complaints were coming from the non-career employees stating similiar issues. This is the best strategic options to pursue because when you improve employee morale and satisfaction, it is critical to better mail-deliver performance which leads to customer satisfaction.
How will your plan strengthen your organization’s economic moat and create a position of sustainable market leadership that can’t be easily replicated by your competitors?
Our competitors have had a little edge over us for some time because of this issue not being addressed in timely manner. This will strengthen our moat because USPS will come outo the pandemic having improved this matter and help us to accelerate our performance and deliver the best service in the industry.