BUIS 463 Bowie State University Electronic Commerce Discussion
1. Come up with an idea for a new business that will sell a product or service on the Web
and imagine that you have secured a domain name and established a website. Now
it’s time to advertise your products and services online.
a. Find two websites that would be appropriate places for you to advertise and
investigate the advertising options they provide. Then, create a plan to use social
media to further promote your business.
b. Come up with two social media promotions you might run to help get your
business off the ground.
2. Go to a major online advertising firm such as Google’s Google Marketing
Platform or Xaxis, and explore products it is offering to marketers.
a. What are its capabilities? Compare the company’s offerings to one other major
advertising network.
b. Prepare a brief report (about half a page) of the offerings of both networks.
3. Investigate site optimization functionality offered by analytics programs such
as Webtrends Optimize, Google Analytics, and Optimizely.
a. What are the costs for such programs? What are their capabilities? How are they
useful? Which would you choose, and why?
b. Prepare a short report of your findings
4. Go to Knowprivacy.org and read the results of their privacy survey. Then review the
privacy policies of three major online retailers (such as Sears, Target, and Walmart).
How difficult was it for you to find the retailer’s privacy policy?
a. Which website offers the most privacy to its customers? Discuss the specific
passages in the various privacy policies that support your conclusion.
b. Does the information you have learned affect your decision to use these websites?
Why or why not? Do you think the privacy policies of your group of retailers meet
the criticisms of privacy policies outlined at Knowprivacy.org?
5. A regional bank with a large number of regional branch offices deploys online banking
applications that are used by all their branches and business customers to manage
accounts, transfer money, and pay bills. Rigorous testing of the application by the
bank’s internal security group and outside security experts just prior to moving the
application into production uncovered several vulnerabilities. An interim solution was
needed to mitigate risk while an application patch was developed and tested by the
vendor, thereby protecting the bank, its partners and customer base.
Application firewalls and host-based intrusion prevention systems were evaluated and
considered but discarded due to concerns about performance and application
availability. The bank was seeking a non-intrusive monitoring solution that delivered
real-time detection and alerting of attacks against the vulnerabilities. Develop a
security solution for this bank that delivers full-time user monitoring, real-time incident
and early fraud detection and does not impact performance. What technologies should
be used? Justify your choice