Grossmont College Interpersonal Communication Relationship Development Q&As
Hello, I need help with this assignment. here is the structure and at the end, I post some information and 20 Question to answer. PLEASED PLEASE PLEASE just use your own words, not from the Internet. Remember to use the same dyad (two people) throughout your analysis. Do not include a third person or switch between dyads
here is the structure:
For this assignment, you are to analyze a dyad that shares a significant relationship from the assigned film. (If you use a different film you will earn a zero on the assignment.) You are to analyze the relationship shared by a single dyad from the film. The dyad must share a significant relationship. You must use the Stages of Relationship Development for your analysis.
You must show a clear understanding. Definitions have not been provided.
Be careful you do not allow your analysis to become a retelling of the plot.
Remember to use the same dyad (two people) throughout your analysis. Do not include a third person or switch between dyads. If you use a third person or switch between dyads only questions that include the initial dyad identified will be used; other questions will result in a zero. Do not recount the plot.
Do NOT include any kind of critique of the film. I do not care whether you liked the movie or not. Films are not shown for entertainment value. If you make any mention of how much you like or dislike the film 10% of the total points available will be deducted. This includes explaining any of the logistics associated with the film (actors, director, date, etc). You must include the film title and the names of the characters in your dyad but no other logistics from the film.
Answer the questions on the rubric. Use the appropriate numbers and include the questions. Do not use essay format. If you submit it in essay format, I will not read it and you will earn a zero. Questions must be in bold to differentiate between question and answer.
For example:
1. What happens during the Initiating stage of Relationship Development?
Answer: I am not going to actually answer this for you but you should be able to see that the answer is clearly different from the question.
Use your own words for all definitions. Do not use the internet to get definitions as the lay community often has different definitions for terms than those in the field of communication. Failure to do so will result in a grade reduction. Use correct English syntax and punctuation. This means you will need to carefully proof–read for spelling and/or grammatical errors. Do not rely solely on your computer’s spell–check function.
Failure to include the questions typed as the example above will result in a penalty of 10%. Failure to use the correct numbering system (number each question) will result in a penalty of 10%.
Keep in mind that stages may or may not appear in order, some stages may be seen more than once and some may not be seen at all. If you believe a stage is not present in the relationship, as far as the film is concerned, do NOT leave that question blank. Instead, indicate that the stage was not evident in the film and explain why you believe this to be the case. Make sure to answer ALL questions requiring a definition or description of a stage. Knapp’s Model of Relationship Development.
- Initiating (usually brief – “nice to meet you” -handshake)
- Experimenting – “uncertainty reduction” – search for common ground
-small talk
-look for shared interests, etc
-the kind of info depends on type of relationship wanted (eg. Short-term: look for outgoing,
exciting personality, etc. Long-term: look for trustworthiness, etc)
- -Intensifying
-expression of feelings, begins (more common)
-time together/favors/gifts/trying to look more attractive/getting to know other’s significant others/etc.
-begin to see as “we” not “me” & “you”
-begin to express commitment
-relational excitement
- Integrating
-relationship strengthens
-common property
-shared identities
-sense of obligation to other increases
- Bonding
-symbolic public gestures to show the world relationship exists (in romantic relationships, most common – wedding)
-Peak of what Knapp calls “coming together”
- Differentiating
-no drop in commitment level but change from “hold me tight” to “put me down”
-want privacy
- Circumscribing
-decrease quantity &quality of time
-withdraw from conflict rather than discuss
-not total avoidance but less interest and commitment
- Stagnating
-if circumscribing continues begin stagnating
-behave in familiar ways but w/o feeling
-no growth
- Avoiding
-when stagnating becomes too unpleasant begin to create physical distance
- Terminating
-how can terminating be avoided?
the name of the movie: Watch the film How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Please don’t use the definitions that I provided at the top. use your own words and not from google.
Relationship Analysis #3 –Relationship Development
1.What happens during the Initiating stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
2.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Initiating stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
3.What happens during the Experimenting stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
4.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Experimenting stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
5.What happens during the Intensifying stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
6.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Intensifying stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
7.What happens during the Integrating stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
8.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Integrating stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
9.What happens during the Bonding stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
10.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Bonding stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
11.What happens during the Differentiating stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
12.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Differentiating stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
13.What happens during the Circumscribing stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
14.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Circumscribing stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
15. What happens during the Stagnating stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
16.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Stagnating stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
17.What happens during the Avoiding stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
18.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Avoiding stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.
19.What happens during the Terminating stage (definition) of Relationship Development?
20.Describe a scene when the 2 main characters go through the Terminating stage and explain why you believe they are at this stage.