Ashford University Ethical Leadership Practices Questions
Answer the 2 questions
Question 1 and 2 have Student Replies please reply with Hello (Student Name),
Each question must use APA format and use a scholarly source. For Question 3 I have attached the Grading Rubric to follow.
Please upload each question in different word documents.
Question 1: Ethics are the foundation of successful leadership in business and the reputation of a business is impacted by its leaders’ ethical practices. Find two articles in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to share with the class; one on ethical leadership practices and the other on unethical leadership practices. Summarize and appropriately cite and reference your findings on the impact of the respective business’ reputation on the public.
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts with constructive ideas, comments, or suggestions.
Student Reply 1: Dean
Classmates & Dr. Akwaowo,
Ethical Leadership Practices
This article is written in reference to South African Higher Education and its practices. It speaks to the revolutionary changes that are being implemented and tracked, noting the impact that ethical and effective leadership is having on these higher education institutions. One of the biggest statements that I took away from this article was that, “Leaders are the most important role models as the leader has a major socializing influence on lower-level employees and ethical conduct from an organizational context. When leaders are steadfast in their duties and responsibilities, employees receive clear indications about what is imperative in the organization” (Bhana et al, 2020, Pg 129). To me, ethics and integrity are intertwined so closely that they are nearly synonymous. Therefore, doing the right thing with consideration given to how decisions that leaders make will reverberate throughout an organization is something I take very seriously. Having ethical leadership practices in-place will establish a foundation built upon the trust knowing that while not all situations are ideal, that the proper ethical care is being considered by higher management and leadership.
Unethical Leadership Practices
This article did a great job of first explaining ethical leadership and the benefits that it brings to an organization, then applies the contrasting unethical leadership and the negative impacts that it can cause. It highlights that just because a leader is ineffective, it does not necessarily indicate that they are unethical. An unethical leader makes decisions that can be dysfunctional and harm either the organization as a whole, or just the members employed within (Sam, 2021). To provide the sharp contrast between an ethical and unethical leader, the article provides the following analogy. “In a school setting, unethical leaders can also have a negative influence. When principals are abusive towards teachers, it can result in negative emotional, psychological, or physical responses, and affect teachers’ work in the classroom (Sam, 2021, Pg 304). This is a prime example with the statement that an unethical leader can harm their employees, but the organization still continues. A struggling school system will still operate with inadequate and unethical leaders, however their negative actions and practices will resonate throughout the school. Higher leadership needs to be understanding of these effects so that they can intervene in the event that an unethical leader is hired or a leader within the organization adopts unethical practices.
Bhana, A., & Bayat, M. S. (2020). The Relationship between Ethical Leadership Styles and Employees Effective Work Practices. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(4), 128–137.
Sam, C. H. (2021). What are the practices of unethical leaders? Exploring how teachers experience the “dark side” of administrative leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(2), 303–320.
Student Reply 2: Erin
Ethical leadership practices
According to the organizational behavior literature, ethical leaders are described as honest, trustworthy, and fair; they treat followers with respect do not have favorites, allow followers to have input and share in decisions, and clarify their expectations and responsibilities (Omar & Jensen via Brown & Treviño, 2006).
In the article The Emergence of Moral Leadership it discusses emergency moral leaders essentially defy an exiting moral order and spur change over time (Solinger, Jansen and Cornelissen, 2016). A well known example of an executive that took a moral stance is Elizabeth Whalen on the issue of toxic formaldehyde in plywood glues (Solinger, Jansen and Cornelissen, 2016). She defied heavy resistance from organizational personel, however she succeeded in transforming the organizaitonal moral system into a more community-sensitive one (Solinger, Jansen and Cornelissen, 2016). Not only did she change her organizations culture but she worked to change the industry culture as well.
In my opinion if an individuals feels that their leader is ethical or doing the right them they will follow and culture will begin to change within the organization. An ethical climate reduces the tendancy to make unethical choice at the workplace and leaders can do so by demonstrating ethical behavior ( Qureshi & Hassan, 2019).
Unethical leadership practices.
Unethical business practices and inappropriate behavior by business leaders have resulted in the loss of trust and credibility among followers (Rosenthal, Moore, Montoya, & Maruskin, 2009 via (Qureshi & Hassan, 2019)).
In the article Eduation Management Administration & Leadership is talks about how teachers experience the “dark side” of administrative leadership. In a school setting, unethical leaders can also have a negative influence (Sam, 2021). Research indicates that employees may be more likely to adopt the unethical practices than the ethical ones (Moore and Gino, 2013 via ( Qureshi & Hassan, 2019). By recognizing unethical leadership practices, it can ehlp find ways of eliminating or preventing these practices from happening.
In summary, leaders should lead by example. Unethical leaders are more likely to influence individuals faster than ethical leaders. Ethical leaders and ethical personel should take a stand for whats right and influence others to join their movement to be successful in changing the culture in a postive manner.
Solinger, Omar N.; Jansen, Paul G.W.; Cornelissen, Joep P.The Emergence of Moral Leadership Academy of Management Review. Jul2020, Vol. 45 Issue 3, p504-527. 24p. 2 Diagrams, 2 Charts. DOI: 10.5465/amr.2016.0263. , Database: Business Source Elite (Links to an external site.)
London, M., & Mone, E. (2016, December). Leadership for today and the future (2nd ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Chapter 1: Leadership – Key Ideas and Concepts
Muhammad Azeem Qureshi and Masood Hassan 2019 Authentic Leadership, Ethical Climate & Workplace Incivility: How Authentic Leadership Prevents Deviant Work Behavior-A Case from Pakistan
Sam, C. H. (2021). What are the practices of unethical leaders? Exploring how teachers experience the “dark side” of administrative leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(2), 303–320.
Question 2: Discuss a situation when a leader refused to change their leadership style or did not recognize a need for change in order to achieve desired results. What were the reasons for the change? What were the results? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts with constructive ideas, comments, or suggestions.
Student Reply 3:Deryk
Hello classmates,
A situation that recently happened within my organization that eventually lead to another lawsuit was for time keeping. As a leader, we are to make sure that our associates gets the proper break and meal time when they work over a certain number of hours in a day. I always make sure that I put a reminder on my phone to start breaks and lunches accordingly so that my staff can have a positive work environment since we work for one of the largest three banks in the United States and EDD (Employment Development Department) has created long lines at the bank which interferes with our own clients and daily business routines. I want to make sure all of our clients and potential clients are taken well care of therefore my associates needs to be well rested.
Unfortunately, there are other leaders who do not see this as a liability and would not allow associates to take breaks or lunches and forces them to work through their entire shift. This caused employee retention to drastically decline while we still have a line out the door! There were lawsuits with the same issue and the bank could not afford to take another lawsuit. I reached out to those leaders and shared some best practices but was ignored by most of them until I brought it up to the Human Resources department. The unethical leaders changed their leadership style immediately after getting a call from Human Resources and was threaten with an action plan to make sure their associates are well taken care of as as much as our clients would be. Happy followers equals happy customers!
Student Reply 4: Erin
Each leader is going to have their own unique leadership style, but it is important that leaders be adaptive. Being an adaptive leader will help them create a successful workplace where team members can grow used to challenges being addressed and resolved rather than ignored or being turned into blame (Wilson, 2021). It is important for a leader to know when it is appropriate to change their leadership styles.
An example that I have chosen to write about is Steve Jobs. In an article on it discusses how successful Jobs was but how reluctant he was to delegate (Kassim, 2020). Jobs was a well-respected, talented, creative entrepreneur. As a business grows so does the responsibility and demands, so delegating tasks to others and asking others to help take the demands off of Jobs as a CEO seems like the smart way to go. As the CEO of a large-scale fast-growing company Jobs wore many hats. However, for Jobs delegating was not an option.
What were the reasons for the change?
Jobs wanted to be in the middle of everything that was going on in his company as much as he could. As stated by Jobs himself “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do” (Jobs- Kassim, 2020).
What were the results?
For Jobs, his leadership style never changed throughout his career. He became a well-respected CEO of a large-scale organization and left a mark on the world. Jobs was one of the most hard-working people in history and lead to his roaring success.