MKT 300 Personal Marketing Communications Plan Questions
Personal Marketing Communications Plan
In class, we discussed the application of marketing principles to us as individuals. The development of our ‘Personal Brand’ is an opportunity to bring clarity to something that occurs whether intentional or not. Personal image is a function of human interaction, and is increasingly a function of our interaction with technology. We convey our brand in person, through word-of-mouth of others, via our writing and increasingly, via our presence and interaction with Social Media. Because our message is distributed through various media, blurring of personal and professional lines is inevitable (From LinkedIn to Tinder). Our brand becomes an overarching statement of who we are across multiple contexts and roles.
Write briefly, but intelligently…shorter doesn’t mean lower quality. Remember, “be brief; be brilliant!”
For this Final Exam, you are tasked with development of a plan for your Personal Brand.
I. Vision Statement (25 points)
What is your professional vision? (Thisis your vision…Don’t get confused with Mission Statement)
II. Personal Brand Statement: (25 points)
A brief description of the image you want to projectbased on an authentic self-assessment. If you don’t know, ask a friend to help you define your “image”.
• What would you want potential employers to see in you?
• How can you sum up your brand in a distinctive way?
III. Media Vehicles – Interpersonal, Written, Online (25 Points)
a. Face-to-Face
i. Professional Elevator Speech
In roughly three sentences, write out the speech you would use to introduce yourself to someone with whom you might seek professional networking. Be memorable.I will mark off for generic responses.
IV. Implementation, Evaluation and Control (50 Points)
a. Implementation
i. How will you implement what you have developed?
ii. How will you move from your current ‘market position’ to your vision? Be specific.
iii. What timeline is appropriate for this transition?
b. Evaluation
i. How will you seek feedback? Now andOngoing…
ii. Who are you trying to reach? Who can evaluate their likely response to your brand?
c. Control
i. How often will you reevaluate your brand?
ii. How will you monitor uncontrolled and semi-controlled elements?
V. Conclusion(20 Points)
a. Finish the sentence: The development of my personal brand will enable me to…
VI. What are the four P’s of Marketing? (20 Points)
a. ____________________
b. ____________________
c. ____________________
d. ____________________
VII. What do the 4 P’s Mean? Explain each P as if you are talking to someone who has never taken a marketing course. Your words! (20 Points)You can leave lastthree in the doc. I’ll do those