FIDM Analysis of Kodak Paper
- Access the industry with Porter’s 5 forces analysis (Supplier power, Buyer power, Competitive rivalry, Threat of substitution & Threat of new entry)
- Access the leadership, governance, ethics and culture of the company(Kodak)
- Please use the following to research and discuss evidence of what is going on inside the company for leadership, governance, ethics and culture?
- How do you Assess Leadership Effectiveness?
- Length of tenure?
- Financial results?
- 360 evaluations?
- Are goals met?
- How do you Assess Governance?
- Structure of governing board?
- Board turnover?
- Number of outside directors?
- Global differences in governance? (MI pgs. 150-151)
- How do you Assess Ethics and Culture?
- Are there lawsuits pending from inside or outside the company?
- Is there a written set of values or code of conduct? Is it lived?
- Does the culture appear to be rigid or more creative and entrepreneurial? (MI pg. 90, 120-130)
- MI link:…