RES 711 UOP Liquidity Efficiency Profitability & Solvency Questions
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
Why is it important for professionals in finance to have a working knowledge of some of the statistical techniques and analytical techniques used in financial analyses, such as:
- Forecasting
- Regression
- Decision tree analysis
- Break-even analysis
Provide rationale or examples to support your response.
Include your own experience as well as 3 citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry publications, books, or other sources. Cite your sources using APA formatting.
Reply in 200 words
Using regression analysis we can find the following:
– Relationship between two or more dependent and independent variables
– Estimating the value of dependent variable by observing the value of an independent variable
– Identify the risk factors that influences an outcome
What are the types of regression analysis?
Part 3
Reply in 200 words
As we know, Financial ratios can be classified under the following categories – liquidity, efficiency, profitability and solvency.
Liquidity ratio observes cash flows, two variants of liquidity ratios are current and quick ratios. Current ratios evaluate short term solvency by calculating current liabilities against current assets. Quick ratio is called the ‘acid test’ as it gets to business’s essence quickly.
How are these ratios calculated? Explain the formulas used for calculation.