Ethical Leadership Discussion
This discussion is super easy. You do not even have to watch the video or read the article (if you do not want to), to do it. Just type something (that makes sense) and it is going to be good.
- Watch this Brief video on CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Ethics (Links to an external site.)
- Read the article entitled 16 Brands doing CSR successfully (Links to an external site.)
- Discuss how leaders can be role models.
- Describe a time that you witnessed employees of a company or even a manager being ethical and or socially responsible. How did it make you feel and how would you have done it the same or differently. You can also explain a time where you witnessed unethical behavior or people not being socially responsible (you can change names or just mention the industry if you do not want to name the actual company you are sharing the negative aspect). Whatever you are comfortable with sharing.
- You will have to post your discussion before you can see any other replies.
- Please use APA (Links to an external site.) formatting where applicable.
Couple of tips that could help you:
- Avoid repeating of explicit information in the text. Formulate answers that can be interpreted through various perspectives.
- Compare, contrast, and look for connections between articles assigned on a given day with each other or with past articles assigned for class.
- Look for gaps in authors’ reasoning or statements that you find problematic.
- Think about the broader issues that the author’s arguments point to. What are the broader implications?
- Look for connections between theoretical pieces assigned and concrete actions that can be taken to put them in practice.
- Consider connections to current event issues.