Rasmussen College Module 3 Consumer Protection Laws Discussion
I’m working on a business law multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
The Federal Trade Commission administers the Bureau of Consumer Protection, which upholds and enforces a variety of business safeguards for both individuals and organizations. Review the content available on the Federal Trade Commission official site.
Initial Post
Consider the different rules and standards maintained by the Bureau of Competition and address the following in your initial post:
- If you could design, create, or revise a consumer protection law, what provisions would it contain?
- What changes or developments would you like to see? Please explain your answer and be sure to include APA-style citations and references for any resources used.
Reply Post
Respond to at least one classmate’s post. Indicate if you support or do not support the change or the direction proposed. Clarify your answer with appropriate detail and research and remember to acknowledge any source you use.