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Cumberlands How Blockchain Technology Solves Data Sharing Systems Problems Paper


I. Introduction : (4) – Peer Reviewed References – 20

A. Where are the data sharing systems used?

B. Present surveys on Data sharing systems

1. Survey of how Block chain is used in Data Sharing

C. Evidence of data sharing systems being abused in developing countries

D. Problems with current data sharing systems

E. Block chain technology for data sharing

1. What are the Determinants of Blockchain Technology Adoption?

2. Barriers to adopt Blockchain Technology.

II. Research on how the Block chain technology is solving the problems associated with data sharing systems.(3) – references (7)

A. Proposed Design of data sharing system

1. Proposed method

2. Actual results

3. Analysis of the results

B. Second format for data sharing system and how it helps solve the problem

1. Proposed method

2. Actual results

3. Analysis of the results

III. Research on the opinion polls of technology acceptance to gauge perceived Ease of Use (3) ( references(5)

  1. Design poll questions for a target population
  2. How are the questions formulateds how is it stating that there is no bias
  3. Analyse results using regression analysis

IV. Research on the opinion polls of technology acceptance Model : Perceived usefulness (3) – Harish references(5)

A. Design the poll questions.

B. Quantify when a pool is statistically significant

V. Combined results of both studies(1.5)- combined from