Business Finance Homework Help

GSU Individuals Are Part of A Larger Universe Questions


1. Complete Robot Repair. An activity to learn about Boolean Logic a form of algebra which is centered around three simple words known as Boolean Operators: “Or,” “And,” and “Not”. At the heart of Boolean Logic is the idea that all values are either true or false.

2. Complete a coding activity (tutorial) of your choice. Chose your coding adventure from the two sites or or

When completed click print and enter your name onto your earned certificate. Print to PDF (to get a file) or right-click to “Save As” then upload/submit both certificates onto Moodle.

Why Hour of Code?

  • Lesson Learned: Decompose (break down) problems into smaller, manageable sub-problems to facilitate the program development process. 
  • Test and debug (identify and fix errors) a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended. 
  • Decompose problems into smaller components through systemic analysis, using constructs such as procedures, modules, and/or objects.