Business Finance Homework Help

Troy University Tysons Foods Analysis Project

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

THE BOOK YOU WILL NEED FOR THIS : Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. 12th Edition. Cengage Learning.



Group Project Outline. file

SWOT ANALYSIS. file is my group deliverable 1 file. It got 75/100. This week we are working on group deliverable 2( which is part 1 below )

Peer Review Form. file

These 2 Parts will be separated into 2 different word files.

PART 1 :

For this assignment, the Group will analyze the assigned Company’s current condition. You will use the text chapters 4 through 6 as your framework for the analysis and will incorporate information from external sources including the company and other credible sites.

Your Group deliverable will be presented in APA format, will include appropriate topical headings to organize and segment the paper, with correctly formatted citations and references.

Minimally the report will include the following:

      • Business-Level Strategy
      • Competitor Analysis
      • Competitive Dynamics
      • Corporate-Level Strategy
      • Industry Environment Analysis (Five Forces Analysis)

PART 2 :

I recently got transferred to a solo group in this project so you can just put my name Luong Tran and grades first and 3 more blank boxes then i’ll take care of the rest after you complete the assignment

Review each member of YOUR GROUP by completing the Rubric for each person in the Group (including yourself) for their:

    1. Individual Contribution: 0 – 50 points (50 points should be the average for the group)
    2. Individual Collaboration: 0 – 50 points (50 points should be the average for the group)
    3. Add #1 and #2 together to get a score from 0 – 100 points (100 points should be the average for the group).

Although comments are optional, you MUST include a comment for any total peer grade (#3 above) less than 60 or more than 140.

Use Peer Review Form file to complete the Review.

Your individual grade will be the average score of all of the Peer Review scores from your Group (i.e., what all group members, including yourself, say about your work in the group).