MSU Role of WTO in Dispute Settlement Between China and USA Discussion
Issue Briefs: select from chapter 12 thru 14
You will select one question from the “Questions for Research” section at end of one of the chapters (see list below) to write your issue brief, which describes and explains the issue as if to a government official. You will use your text, the interactive map, and any other source you would like to use, be sure to properly cite your source using APA style format. A link to APA style guidelines is provided Each issue brief is required to be double-spaced, 12 point font, include your name, a title, the research question, include references at the end, and be approximately 250-300 words in length All in-text citation and references will be in APA style
second assignment is:::
Discussion Boards on Current Events of International Affairs: You will give a brief 1-2 paragraph synopsis of a news story (video or print/online), along with your critique or critical observation about it. Be aware, fake news IS NOT simply news you disagree with. It is information presented as news, but is mostly, or completely false. Fake news is found exclusively online and often comes through social media, and what amounts to a blog. Be aware of this when selecting your news sources to review. (Remember Course Policy #1). Inadequate discussion boards will receive less points. A link to your news source in your discussion post is required.