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Central State University Process of Observational Learning Discussion Paper

  • Read the article “Sex, Love, and Autonomy in the Teenage Sleepover” by Schalet attached to this assignment. Then, provide typed answers to the following questions. Make sure you answer all parts of the questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You should NOT have any quotes from the article in your assignment. Your responses should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12pt. font. Your answer to the first question should be about 1 page in length. Your answer to the second question should be about one half page in length. Your assignment should adhere to standard classroom grammar and mechanics. Make sure you also read the Written Assignment 2 Student Rubric attached to this assignment before you begin writing.
  • 1. Compare and contrast parents’ views of letting their teenagers have sexual relationships in the U.S. and the Netherlands as discussed in the article.
  • 2. What consequences of each view does the author discuss? In other words, how do views of teenage sex in the U.S. affect U.S. teens and the teen-parent relationship? How does the different ways that the Dutch see teenage sex affect Dutch teens and the teen-parent relationship differently?
  • Consider the process of observational learning, i.e., observing and modeling another individual’s (especially a valued model’s) behavior, attitudes, or emotional expressions. What are the implications of observational learning for the violent media (e.g., TV, movies, video games) to which we and our children are constantly exposed. Does watching violent media make us more violent? Why or why not? What about music with violent messages? Can music make us act or say things we normally wouldn’t?