EmbryRiddel Aeronautical University KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736 Presentation
Watch the video of either the United Airlines Flight 173 (37:36 – DailyMotion) (Links to an external site.) crash in Portland or the KLM/Pan Am (19:22 – DailyMotion) (Links to an external site.) crash between two 747s in the Canary Islands. Then create a presentation that assesses the performance of the crew of UAL 173 or the crews of the KLM/Pan Am.
You will analyze the performance of the crew (and other teammates such as ATC, fire/rescue, dispatch, maintenance) with respect to this module’s lesson on situational awareness. Also, though NextGen technology such as ADS-B was not available at the time, consider if such automation could have prevented these mishaps. You are encouraged to discuss other areas of CRM as well but must at least focus on SA. Highlight any positive characteristics as well as areas for improvement. In your analysis, include a discussion of the principles of 6th Generation CRM/Threat and Error Management.
Important: Do not just summarize the events; include a critical analysis.
The accident reports are also available for you to review:
- UAL 173 – NTSB Aircraft Accident Report United Airlines Flight 173 Portland (PDF – FAA) download
- KLM/Pan Am Joint report – Aircraft Accident Report Airline Pilots Association – Tenerife (PDF – ERAU) (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.You may also watch the Crash of the Century (01:27:46 – ERAU Hunt Library – Films on Demand) (Links to an external site.)
Tip: For ideas on analyzing case studies in this course with respect to TEM, refer to the Threat & Error Management download presentation (public domain from the U.S. Navy) or Threat and Error Management (TEM) and Line Operations Safety Assessment (LOSA) Training (PDF)/FAA.