Leeds Metropolitan University Accounting Finance Questions
I need support with this Accounting question so I can learn better.
1) A financial analyst needs accounts information in so as to (a)
maintain the business’s production section and (b) understand why
transactions cause asset increases and decreases. (c) offer business
management advice; and (d) record transactions in the T account.
Creditors use financial data to (A) plan sales to a business, (B)
control the affairs of a company, (C) invest in a company, and (D)
assess the liquidity of a company.
3) When
preparing accounting records, the owners of a business are handled as
(A) the same person (B) as establishing a business relationship (C) as
independent legal entities (D) as partners.
One of the most crucial components of bookkeeping is that it (a)
maintains permanent records of all business transactions (b) is
prospective in nature (c) accepts responsibility for all inaccurate
postings (d) does not permit double entry procedures.
The concept refers to the accounting principle that asserts that for
every debit entry, there is an opposite and equal credit entry. (a)
realization; (b) entity; (c) ongoing business; and (d) duality