Data Analytics Business Intelligence Model
Please find the following instructions. Software list that can be used :
SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Enterprise Miner, Tableau Desktop, Qlik Sense® Desktop
How to help with decisions using a traditional decision tree? Create a decision-tree model based on the business case contained in the Not Such a Sure Bet document, Note that the model must be flexible to capture a change at any point and recalculate a new outcome. After creating your decision-tree model, explain the outcome you reached through your model, and make a recommendation for action based on it if you have enough actionable Business Intelligence. If you do not have enough actionable Business Intelligence, what alternative methodology can you use to generate it and how will you use it? Justify your recommendation. Write an analysis in which you discuss the limitation of the proposed solution and its applicability to the real-life business problem. How do you compare decision tree models in the class of classification methods? Be sure to address the scoring guide criteria in your analysis.