University of Maryland University College Flexible Work Arrangements Paper
The purpose of the article abstract is to increase awareness of current trends in Career Management and relate those trends to theories discussed in the texts, as well as how these apply to the individual and the organization.
Students should pick an article that addresses one career management topic. Students can select the topic. Any topic found in the Subject Index of the textbook is permissible.
After reading the article, students shall write a maximum four-page abstract that covers the items noted below. The purpose of the article abstract is to increase awareness of current trends in Career Management and relate those trends to theories discussed in the text. Once complete, students will submit their Abstract in a Word document, along with the article, to the Assignments folder by the deadline.
The Abstract should provide a brief overview/summary of the article contents, distinguishing the main issues, accurately identifying the impact of each issue on today’s organizations and tying and discussing relevant information to issues found within the text.
Each complete abstract will include the following headings (points will be deducted for NOT using these headings):
- Overview/Summary of Article (naming the Article Title and Author)
- Main Issues of the Article
- Impact of the Main Issues on Organizations (i.e. what is the impact of the main issues on organizations and the potential results)
- Text Comparison/Contrast (i.e., how does the article agree or disagree with the textbook)
Completed abstracts are to be no more than four pages of content, double-spaced, APA format. It is not necessary to write an introductory abstract for an abstract paper. The Abstract shall be written using the APA format, including cover page, in-text citations, reference page, etc. The cover page and reference page are NOT part of the four-page Abstract. Be sure to proofread for errors. One point will be deducted for every three errors in the paper, and one point will be deducted for not using the headings above.
Here are suggested topics for the Article Abstract:
Self-Awareness |
Dual Career Families |
Career Goal Setting |
Work-Life Balance |
Career Plateau |
Career Exploration |
Mentoring |
Retirement Planning |
Career Stages |
Entrepreneurial Careers |
Telecommuting |
Stress |
Flexible Work Arrangements |
Networking |