Central Texas College The Electoral College Should Be Abolished Paper
- Decide on the topic for your persuasive speech. Do not choose an informative topic.
- Review the following sample Persuasive Speeches:
What you must submit:
- A video-recording of your speech
- a typed full-sentence Preparation Outline a listing of 3 to 5 sources in proper MLA Format;
- a roster of your audience members, with names, age of listeners, date of speech, and contact information;
- note cards that you used to deliver your speech.
Minimum time is 4 minutes
Maximum time is 7 minutes
These examples are just to give you ideas. If you really are not interested in these sample topics, then you really should select an original topic of your own that you yourself know a great deal about, and about which you are excited and enthusiastic about sharing with others.
- Public Schools should/should not have a required school uniform as part of their dress codes.
- Requiring public school students to pass a mandatory test each year before they can be passed to the next grade should/should not have been a feature of the No Child Left Behind law.
- Marijuana should/should not be legalized.
- Congress should/should not have failed to renew the Assault Weapons bill which restricted weapons such as AK-47’s, but placed no restrictions on hunters or families.
- Hackers who damage computers with viruses they create should/should not be required to pay monetary compensation for the damage they cause.
- The Ten Commandments from the Holy Bible should/should not be displayed in public buildings.
- Stem cell research should/should not be expanded to improve the lives of many afflicted people, such as Michael J. Fox with Parkinson’s disease and Christopher Reeve with a spinal cord injury.
- All police cars should/should not be equipped with video-cameras.
- The Electoral College (which currently elects the U. S. President) should/should not be abolished.
- Congress should/should not reinstate a military draft of 18-year-old men and women.
- Congress should/should not pass greater penalties against those who engage in identity theft.
- Public schools should/should not do more to prevent weapons from being brought to school.
- Cell phone users should/should not be prohibited from using their phones while driving.
- Airlines should/should not be allowed to install electronic taser stun guns in the cockpit of all its aircraft.
- Congress should/should not restrict violent content of video games.