Georgia State University Nursing Research Methods Discussion
I believe that A and C are ordinal as they both categorize data and can be ranked, there is not a set amount change between each level. A is a Like scale which are ordinal by nature. B is nominal. The data can be categorized, but not necessarily ranked. One could argue that administrative is higher on the scale than a laborer or driver, but it would be difficult to actually rank all of the positions. reply to post.
Consider the four survey questions below from a job satisfaction survey, and indicate the levels of measurement used for each question (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio). Briefly explain your rationale for each decision. Double check the work of at least one peer, and discuss any differences.
A. I feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do (Fields, 2002).
Disagree very much
Disagree moderately
Disagree slightly
Agree slightly
Agree moderately
Agree very much
B. My primary role within the company is: