Computer Science Homework Help

UC Contribution of Failure of Agile in Non Collocated Teams Discussion



Examining COVID-19 Pandemic Effect in Non-Collocated Software development Teams 

Utilizing A New Agile Process Collocated Software Development Methodologies.

Methodology: Agile software development 

Introduction :

One of the main principle of Agile is collocation of team members (Crunk, 2018). The digital 

area requires the implementation of new ways of working. In the wake of the COVID 19 

pandemic, organizations have adopted a remote working strategy to mitigate the rate of infection 

and spread.Today’s, many companies have adapted Agile methodology with their team 

distributed in various area to cope with COVID-19 pandemic. 


Agile believes that for work to be effective and members to coordinate, face-to-face interactions 

are critical. Individuals are always able to exchange ideas and opinions easily via one on one 

interaction rather than phone calls, skype, or texts. This is a notion that COVID-19 changed 

completely (Keita, 2021). Despite Agile method has gained a huge popularity among software 

development team due to its impact on software projects. However, there is several IT projects 

seems to fail despite the implementation of the New Agile process for Distributed Projects 


Research aims:

  • To identify and critically review the success and failure factors behind the implementation of Agile methodology in non-collocated team.
  • To study and understand the attributes of the New Agile Process for Distributed: Communication, Flexibility, and Understanding.
  • The research question is: 
  • What are non-collocated development team facing when adapting a new Agile process for distributed during COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Theory:

suggests to help improve or mitigate the issue of agile in non-c0llocated is The Self-efficacy Theory, the researcher become interested in how this theory would apply given the disparities mentioned in the literature of the introduction of non-collocated recourses into the teams that software development, using Agile as a methodology. 

This theory you can mention/blend it when reach critique and summary sections 

Computer Science Homework Help

ECE 570 University of Victoria Cyber Security Pcap Malware Analysis Paper


Hello, I would like some help with my malware analysis for wireshark project please. I linked the pcap file below. I am not too sure about my answers, and the questions I am having issues with are:

What is the IP address and domain name that delivered the malware? I think its, I looked at the http stream in Wireshark and saw some of the malicious sites in the stream.

Identify the type of malware involved and check the payload by running the associated file (or files) against an online virus checker (i.e. VirusTotal). For this I did a packetotal search and it said network trojan, I’m also seeing javascript injection and

Give an outline of the attack scenario by describing it in a few paragraphs. I think there is a rootkit somewhere but no having any luck finding it.

pcap file

Computer Science Homework Help

BLCN 534 Schiller International University IBM Database Administrator Presentation



What are key technical skills a data administrator or database administrator would require if they use this platform?

Where do you believe this technology will be in 3-5 years?

Each group has been assigned either a vendor who produces several database platforms or a class of database platforms. For this assignment, you are going to do a detailed technical and business evaluation of the assigned vendor and/or a database class. 

  • Group 2 – IBM Databases (IBM      DB2, Informix, Netezza etc)

For my part 4-5 page PPT. Pretend you are trying to sell the CEO of a company on why they should move their database to the assigned platform when making presentation. Make the presentation clear, concise, and don’t get into the weeds too much. Simply answer the questions in your words. You must cite everything you write. Following APA is a strict requirement.

What are key technical skills a data administrator or database administrator would require if they use this platform?

Where do you believe this technology will be in 3-5 years?


Computer Science Homework Help

IT 570 Marymount University IT Cyber Security Essay


IT570 Policy Analysis Essay 

Specific cybersecurity laws exist for specific industries.  Discuss two (2) of these specific industries (healthcare, financial, payment cards, federal energy regulatory or nuclear regulatory commission).  Find a case about each industry and discuss how the specific laws pertain to the case and the outcome.

Computer Science Homework Help

CS 470 Abram Friedman Occupational Center Databases Question



In this assignment, you will prepare your development environment for moving a full stack MEAN application into containers. You will gain exposure to using Docker in this lesson. In previous courses, you installed MongoDB on your own computer and developed applications to use it. Before your application can run on another computer, the correct version of MongoDB must be installed there. Installing software also means that your computer’s configuration and settings are altered, which may impact other software you have installed. Additionally, there is a risk that the other computer or its installation of MongoDB are not configured identically to your machine.

To overcome this common settings inconsistency, you should run MongoDB inside a container. Moving the container to a new computer brings all the configuration and settings along as well. Looking ahead to Module Two, you will practice using the pre-built Docker container with MongoDB already installed and configured.


This assignment prepares you for the containerization process that will be performed in Module Two. You will download the essential software and test it by following the CS 470 Module One Assignment Guide.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Display the working Docker dashboard; it will display the files.
  • Test Docker to ensure the container is running the MongoDB image.

Guidelines for Submission

Take the following unique screenshots.

  • Screenshot of the Docker dashboard to show that the application is running
  • Screenshot showing that the Docker run command is functioning
  • Submit your three screenshots to here to show that you have Docker dashboard running and that the Docker run command is functioning properly.

Computer Science Homework Help

Schiller International University Data Mining and Data Algorithms Discussion


I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

  1. When using different data algorithms, why is it fundamentally important to understand why they are being used?
  2. If there are significant differences in the data output, how can this happen and why is it important to note the differences?
  3. Who should determine which algorithm is “right” and the one to keep? Why?

Computer Science Homework Help

Cumberland County College Advantages of Cloud Computing Discussion


I’m working on a computer science multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.

     Select 2 topics from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use  only 250-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer.       

Chapter 9 topics:

  • List the security advantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • List the security disadvantages of cloud-based solutions.
  • Discuss how a cloud-based solution provider may reduce the risk of a DDoS attack.
  • Lit and discuss an AWS security service.

Computer Science Homework Help

CIST 1602 Cyber Security Governance Management Paper


I’m working on a cyber security question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using Word or a Word-compatible word processor, submit the following deliverables. For written responses, each numbered answer should be 150-200 words (a nice paragraph) at a minimum, well-written (including proper spelling, punctuation, grammar), and cover the topic fully. Use a standard font (such as Arial or Calibri), font size 12, and double-space your answers. If you use information found outside of the text in your answer (this is highly encouraged), cite your source(s). Make sure to number your answers appropriately. If you are skipping an answer, number as usual and note “No Answer” or “Question skipped.”

Assignment Requirements

Enforcement of security policies is most effective when it comes from leadership. Employees look to executive management for direction. The executive is more likely to enforce policies to support his or her personal credibility. Once executives put their own credibility behind policies, they are less likely to allow violations to occur.

Finding the right level of leadership to take action can be a challenge. It’s generally more effective to have leadership governance and management committees responsible for IT security policy enforcement, where governance sets the direction for management to follow.

Answer the following question(s):

1.Why, or in what ways, would a governance committee be more effective than an executive in enforcing security policies?

Part 2

Assignment Requirements

Assume that a secure baseline operating system is planned
for wide deployment in a large organization. However, the baseline
configuration prevents a mission-critical application from working. Over 100
employees use the mission-critical application daily.
The administrators researched the issue exhaustively and
found no solution.
Answer the following question(s):

1. Should the administrators weaken security by not
using the baseline settings? Why or why?

2. Is there another solution? Explain your answer.