Economics Homework Help

The Social Security Number Experiments and Computer Items Question


1.Watch this video on anchoring:

After watching this video answer the following questions:

  1. Let’s say you are negotiating salary with your employer. According this video who should make the first offer: you or your boss? Why? (the why is the most important part)
  2. Adam Grant in the video talks about how he worked against anchoring when he leased a car. What does he say?
  3. Watch this video of Dan Ariely on mental accounting.

Explain what happens when we lose a 100 dollar theatre ticket versus lose 100 dollar bill. Why do we do this?

  1. How are you guilty of mental accounting? Give a personal example if you can.
  2. In the example at Berkeley (in Lecture 2), the students had completely different responses when they were in the aroused state as compared to the unaroused state. Indeed, we are very different people when we are aroused, angry, hungry or tired (in hot states). Yet utopian finance and economics assumes that we are always in the cold state and ever in these hot states. Give an example when you have been in a hot state in which you acted much differently than normal.
  3. Watch this really short video on present bias: Then answer the question of how you are guilty of present bias?
  4. In the video I asked you to watch on slide 230 (of Lecture 2) what did Ariely find about the nudge in organ donations in two countries?

Economics Homework Help

HU Journal of Public Economics Discussion


Need to write a Referee Report about a Journal “The impact of COVID-19 on student experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey”. I have a pdf version and an example about the referee report. It’s about causal inference. The guideline and the article are attached

Economics Homework Help

SEU Unique Aspects of Health Services and Financial Management Discussion


Unique Aspects of Health Services & Financial Management

There are a number of unique factors relating to the health services sector:

  1. Services are provided by both not-for-profit (or nonprofit) organizations that can be either governmental or private, and for profit organizations, that are private
  2. The majority of payments made to health care providers for services are not made by the consumers of the services, but by some third-party payer (e.g. a commercial insurance company and/or a government program).

How do these unique features affect the financial management of the sector?

Economics Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Effect of Financial Crises on Employment Discussion


I’m studying for my Economics class and need an explanation.

We learned in chapter 13 that In 2008 and 2009, the U.S. Economy and many other majors Econo- banks started selling off assets. Around the world, many countries experienced a financial crisis, which in turn led to a deep downturn in economic activity. Also, we have outlined the six key elements of financial crises. 

Focusing on the impact on the major economic part, tell me what is the effect of financial crises on employment

Economics Homework Help

FIN 1000 Rasmussen University Stock Valuation Calculations Spreadsheet


Valuation in finance means determining the present value of cash flows to be received from an investment, discounted at the required rate of return. We can use valuation to determine the values of sources of financing, which are equity and debt.

Economics Homework Help

ECO 1000 Rasmussen University Key Economic Indicators Essay


I’m stuck on a Economics question and need an explanation.

You are a junior executive of a new cellular phone carrier called Technologies of the Future (TOF) that competes in the same market as Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and T-Mobile. You are asked to write a professional document that discusses the concepts below.

  • Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • Differentiate between Real GDP and Nominal GDP.
  • Explain how the GDP of the U.S. may influence the sale of smartphones by TOF.
  • What percentage of the GDP is attributed to the sale of cellular phones (including carrier services) in the United States?
  • Define the Human Development Index (HDI).
  • Explain if the HDI has an influence on the sale of smartphones in the U.S.
  • Which aspect of the HDI might influence the sale of smartphones?
  • Identify the target audience for the sale of smartphones in the U.S.

Economics Homework Help

BCO 124 EU Business School Barcelona Eurozone Economy Report


The report should include the following sections:

– Cover Page

– Table of Contents

– Section 1. Eurozone macroeconomic
situation Include charts with the following
indicators during 2010-2020:
– Real GDP
– Real GDP growth rate
– Inflation rate
– Unemployment rate
– Trade Balance (Exports – Imports)

– Section 2. Effect of the covid crisis on
the Eurozone economy

– Analyzing the previous indicators, explain
how the crisis has affected the Eurozone

– Section 3. Eurozone macroeconomic

– In the Eurozone, which institution
oversees monetary policy, and which
one controls fiscal policy?

– Provide information on both fiscal and
monetary policies that are being (or are planned to be) implemented by
Eurozone officials as a response to
the coronavirus crisis to prevent a fall
in the aggregate demand.

– Explain in detail how one of these
policies (fiscal or monetary) operate
in theory

– Section 4. Conclusions
– Is the EU well prepared to offset the
negative impact of the covid crisis?

– Bibliography

ADDITIONAL REMARKS : File format allowed: PDF.

  • The minimum amount of words to be used is 1500 and themaximum is 2200.• Bibliography, Cover Page, and Table of Contents will notcount towards the final wordcount.• You may want to include images/graphics to make yourreasoning and argumentation more visual and explicative.• Font: Arial. Size: 12,5pts. Line spacing: 1,5. Text align:Justified.• Harvard’s referencing style is mandatory.
  • Economics Homework Help

    Life Cycle of A Company and Its Dividend Policy Questions


    I’m working on a finance writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    Consider the questions around the life cycle of a company and its dividend policy.

    Incorporate these questions into required answers:

    • Is the company generating positive free cash flow after making all investments with positive NPV and is the positive free cash flow likely to continue?
    • Is the firm’s debt ratio prudent?
    • Are the company’s holdings of cash a sufficient cushion for unexpected setbacks and a sufficient war chest for unexpected opportunities?

    Using these questions, examine the dividend policy of Apple.  Discuss (1) what the dividend policy was in the immediate years before 2012, (2) what changed in 2012, and (3) what the dividend policy is today.  Explicitly include both the (4) payout ratio (the “answer” plus the numerator, denominator), and (5) the dividend yield (as of right now, the “answer” plus the numerator, denominator), and (6) whether the cash dividend is sustainable or not.  (7) Be sure to incorporate ideas from the posted readings and attribute ideas to appropriate sources.  (7 points)

    Again, referring to the posted readings, (8) what actions did Citigroup take to change the price of their stock and what were the motivations for Citibank to do this?  (9) What was the exact impact on investor wealth?  (10) Was Citigroup’s action controversial in the eyes of some (and if so why, and were the criticisms correct)?  (3 Points) 

    — Reading material (URL):……

    Economics Homework Help

    ASU GEA Regulation in The US Kidney Market Case Study



    Part I – (this draws on welfare analysis regulation (Ch 4) to improve the argument made in the Rough Draft as well as describe an unintended consequence)

    Consider regulations in the US kidney market and the negative aspects of the government intervention. In addition to improving your paper based on the feedback you received, add to your previous discussion of the US kidney market using what you have learned about DWL and welfare analysis; specifically, discuss efficiency concerns as a result of the intervention. You may have discussed DWL in the rough draft but you should elaborate on that discussion and really focus on what causes the DWL and in what ways is the loss generated, exactly who is impacted and how; give specific examples.

    Part II – (this requires you to offer a creative alternative solution to the consequence you described above)

    Now put yourself in the role of a social advocate. Noting the problems you presented above, what solutions do you have to help protect society? Offer an alternative solution that addresses the issues you noted in the rough draft and avoids the problems you noted above. Be creative, you are not limited to possible government interventions but should also consider potential interventions from other groups in society

    .The body of the text must be at least 7, no more than 8, full pages: a revision of the first 4 pages already submitted for the rough draft PLUS an additional 3 pages. The additional three pages should be used as you wish to expand on the rough draft as well as add the new parts above and integrate the two parts into a coherent whole. You do not have to keep the parts of the rough draft and the additional parts for the final draft separate – feel free to incorporate the additional material where you see fit to complete a cohesive paper. Double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. It should be in written your own words and not a series of quoted texts. You should write from your own ideas, formed through research, but not by paraphrasing or over quoting other work. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages

    Make sure to include a title page (use this file Title Page.docx) and an updated bibliography page (both should be on their own pages and not share a page with the body of the text and are not included in the page count). Graphs/Charts/Figures/Bibliography should be at the very end of the text and are not included in page count. Only use in-line citations with the author and the year in parentheses at the end of the sentence; do not include citations in the footers. The full citation should be given on the bibliography page only.

    Citation Reference: The Chicago Manual of style (Links to an external site.)