Foreign Languages Homework Help

American Military University German Week 5 Discussion post

I’m trying to learn for my Foreign Languages class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Initial Post:

Write a paragraph in German with at least 5 sentences answering the question: “Was ist Ihr Lieblingsgeschäft?” Remember that each sentence must have a subject and a verb, otherwise, it is considered a fragment and will not count. *At least one sentence MUST have a separable prefix verb that is separated into its two parts.

Beispiel (Example):

Mein Lieblingsgeschäft heißt Mazel. Es verkauft elegante Klamotten aus Paris. Glücklicherweise gibt es oft Schlussverkäufe, so dass ich mir ab und zu ein Kleid gönnen kann. Ich schaue so gerne die Kleider in diesem Laden an. Ich wünsche mir, dass ich meine Kleidung öfters dort kaufen könnte!

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Redactar Caracteristicas Fisicas Pasatiempos Favoritos Spanish Question

I’m studying for my Spanish class and need an explanation.

  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos favoritos? 
  • I love reading, travel and spend time on the beach.
  • ¿Cómo eres? (características físicas y personalidad)
  • I have brown eyes and brown hair. I have friendly and open personality.
  • ¿Dónde trabajas?
  • Im a nurse.I dont work at the hospital. Im a visiting nurse
  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
  • On the weekends, I like to spend some time outdoor. I also do bicycling
  • ¿Por qué estudias español?
  • I had credits to spend. And I chose Spanish , Spanish is beautiful language and it is second most spoken language.
  • ¿Estás motivado/a continuar estudiar/practicar la lengua? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?
  • I really enjoy this class. I learn a lot during this class. And Im planning to continue to learn Spanish in a future. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Spanish Question

Esto es para mi clase de español intermedio. Gracias por tu ayuda.

Escribe un ensayo pequeño contestando estas preguntas, pero de forma completa y creativa; no contesten simplemente la pregunta sin dar contexto y comentario. Un párrafo completo por pregunta.

2. Termina la oración de forma divertida: Cuando llegué a mi oficina, vi algo terrible. Ojalá que ______________________________________ (usen “hubiera” y participio expresando el deseo de que algo que ocurrió no hubiera ocurrido).

3. Termina la oración de forma creativa: “Mi esposa/o, el año pasado, empezó a salir con mi mejor amigo/a. No me gustaba que ellos __________________________________________ . (expresa más que una sola cosa; usa ”hubiera y participio“).

4. Termina la oración de forma creativa: ”Si yo hubiera sabido que ______________________________ . . . .“ (esto puede ser más largo que simplemente ”llenar el espacio en blanco“.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

California State University – Chico Pour mercredi 27 Octobre Composition 2

I’m working on a french question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Write 2 paragraphs of 8 lines each (A line goes from the left margin to the right margin)

➢ Use the vocabulary for leçon 10
➢ Type your composition:

▪ Utilisez le Font 12, Times New Roman or Cambria ▪ Double Space.

➢ You must write your own sentences in French.
➢ Do not write your sentences in English and then use Google translate or any other translation device online.
➢ Use the material we have studied.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Karolinska University Carta de Actividades Favoritas para el Fin de Semana


I am studying Spanish 1 and have a timed exercise that I need to get help complete.

The person I will work with is going to do;

– A writing about a topic which will be given when the exercise starts. There will be 2-3 options to choose from. How many words is going to known when the assignment have opened. (Shouldn’t be more than 300 words, fingers crossed)

-Exercise will be open for an hour and in that hour we should be in touch so that i can give topics and we can send it back on time. It will be available to do on 7th may. At what time is up to the person who is going to do.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

nothing Discussion in the Description

I’m working on a arabic question and need support to help me study.

حقوق الملكية الفكرية

كان الأذان رؤيا رآها عبد الله بن زيد، وقام على تحقيقها واقعا بلال بن رباح.

فهل تؤمن بأن الفكرة للقادر على تنفيذها؟ وهل تستطيع أن تتخلى عن أفكارك كي ينفذها غيرك بسهولة؟

Foreign Languages Homework Help

UNCG The Politics of Social and Economic Change in Latin America Discussion

I’m working on a spanish discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

THEME : Establish common ground between the work and the interest of the muralists with the stories and characters in the stories. Write 100-150 words. Considers:

  • Social and economic context of Latin America
  • Characters and possible themes in common between the stories and murals.
  • Use examples from the stories and a mural to support your opinions.

video link

Foreign Languages Homework Help

West Coast University Mi Rutina Diaria Spanish Project Essay

Objective:  While on a mission to Perú with your youth group, you are asked by one of your hosts, who teaches high school, to come and speak to some of her classes. She would like her students to know what a typical day is like for the average American high school student.  She wants to know the following:

  • when you wake up;
  • how you get ready for school;
  • how and when you get to school;
  • what courses you take;
  • when and what meals you eat;
  • activities after school;
  • when you return home and what you do there;
  • your nightly routine;
  • when you normally go to bed.