Foreign Languages Homework Help

Identify Verb Types and Verb Complements Exercise

I’m working on a esl question and need guidance to help me learn.

Please find the following in the article Adulting 101: Why being an adult is harder than ever…

8. The first sentence with a non-passive (active) Vc verb different from “consider, make, call”, and identify its complements as DO and OC.

9. The first sentence containing a passive VT or Vg verb (different from “give”), and its complements.

10. The first sentence containing a passive Vg or Vc verb different from the verb in point (9), and identify its complements.

The format should be like:

  • Underline & highlight (in yellow, green, blue, …. colour) the prescriptive rule violation in (1) and each verb in (2)-(10), and put the label VI, VL, VT, etc. under the verb.
  • Underline and bold all words which are in the verb complement(s): DO, IO, PredN, PredAdj, etc.) and the optional adverbs which may be used with the VI in (5), and put a label under each verb complement.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

wccc Construct 6 Italian Sentences following directions

I need an explanation for this Italian question to help me study.

Leggi i seguenti gruppi di parole, composti da un soggetto e un verbo all’infinito, quindi scegli un’espressione con -che appropriata (non sapevo che, pensavamo che, era bene che …) per iniziare ciascuna frase. Dopo aver iniziato ciascuna frase con un’espressione con -che, completala con uno dei gruppi soggetto-verbo forniti, e accertati di includere tutte le informazioni supplementari necessarie per formulare delle frasi di senso compiuto. Scrivi almeno una frase completa per ciascun gruppo soggetto-verbo. Segui l’esempio fornito, in cui è stata utilizzata -Giorgia, come soggetto, e -dipingere un quadro, come verbo.

gli amici / venire alla festa,
Giulia / ringraziare gli invitati,
tu / provare i confetti,
voi / decorare la casa,
noi / svegliarsi presto stamattina,
Antonio / leggere qualcosa sui nuraghi

Example: Giorgia / regalare un quadro
➝ Non sapevo che Giorgia avesse regalato un quadro alla famiglia di Giulia.

1. __________________________________________________________________________.
2. __________________________________________________________________________.
3. __________________________________________________________________________.
4. __________________________________________________________________________.
5. __________________________________________________________________________.
6. __________________________________________________________________________.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

HUMA 1020 NUC Preguntas Sobre Guerras Mundiales Causas y Consecuencias

Lee, estudia y reflexiona sobre los recursos de aprendizaje estudiados en el módulo 6. Realiza una búsqueda de información utilizando diversas fuentes académicas (libros virtuales, revistas profesionales y enciclopedias) sobre las causas y las consecuencias de la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Luego, descarga y completa la plantilla en la cual vas a:

  1. Identificar tres (3) causas principales de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

Identificar tres (3) consecuencias significativas de la Primera Guerra Mundial.

  1. Identificar tres (3) causas principales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Identificar tres (3) consecuencias significativas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Identificar causas o consecuencias similares entre las dos guerras.

3. Al finalizar el diagrama de Venn, redacta un párrafo de seis (6) oraciones como mínimo en el cual expliques, en tus propias palabras, cuál fue el efecto de las guerras mundiales en el desarrollo social, ético y cultural del ser humano.
4. Incluye un mínimo de dos (2) referencias consultadas en formato APA 7ma ed.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Florida Virtual School Spanish Informative Description Exercises Question

Write the rough draft of your informative description. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

Your rough draft should be written in complete sentences in Spanish and include the following requirements:

What to include in your rough draft Hint
Sentence one:

☐ Greet your neighbor.


Include a greeting.

Sentence two:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show the first thing your neighbor must do to get to the final destination.


Use tener + que + infinitive.

Use your prepositions (e.g., a la derecha or a la izquierda).

Sentence three:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to show him where to stop.


Use one affirmative (informal) command.

Use parar.

Sentence four:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the correct roads to take.


Warn him or her what road he shouldn’t take and which road he should take.

Use a negative (informal) command to guide him or her.

Use your en route vocabulary (e.g., turn, pass, cross, etc.)

Sentence five:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to tell the exact location of the final destination.


Start with the name of the location.

Use estar + preposition to be specific.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

NVCC How Are Writing an Essay and Cooking Different Essay

I’m working on a esl writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Use this into for your essay 

   How are writing an essay and cooking different? Writing an essay is a form of mental thinking that allows us to record, write it on paper and share our ideas. In contrast, cooking a dish you can smell and taste. While there are many differences, it’s more interesting to examine their similarities. In fact, there are three important similarities between writing an essay and cooking.

First, writing an essay and cooking require talent.

In addition to require talent, another similarity is that they both need organization. 

Besides to talent and organization, other similarities that writing an essay is like cooking is that both need you to follow step by step instruction.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

America Latina Fue Testigo De Una Revolución Literaria Ensayo

Considerando tanto las características del ensayo y la estructura del mismo, te invitamos a escribir uno. Para comenzar, este proceso podría consistir en: 

  • Ensayo poético o literario 
  • Ensayo analítico – crítico 
  • Ensayo argumentativo. 
  • Entregable: 
  • Portada: es la primera hoja, corresponde a la presentación del ensayo. Indicar:  título o tema del ensayo, autor, lugar y fecha.  
  • Introducción: es el 10% del ensayo y abarca más o menos media hoja. Está compuesta de tres partes, un párrafo para cada una de ellas. La justificación de por qué se escogió el tema del ensayo. 
  • Desarrollo: constituye el 80% del ensayo; abarcaremos más o menos 3 páginas. En él va todo el tema desarrollado: ¡ten en cuenta lo estudiado!