Foreign Languages Homework Help

Noticia de Broma en Asalto a Tienda Por Un Niño y Una Niña Muertos

Imagina que eres periodista y has escuchado las declaraciones del tendero. Escribe una noticia sobre lo que sucedió. Agrega todos los detalles que creas necesarios. Usa el pretérito perfecto del indicativo y el pretérito perfecto del subjuntivo. Sigue el Plan de redacción.


Plan de redacción Escribir una noticia

Organización: Organiza la información que tienes, empezando por lo más importante.

Narración: Narra los hechos de forma clara, detallando qué sucedió, cuándo y cómo.

Conclusión: Termina hablando de la parte más general de la noticia a modo de conclusión.

Título: Escoge un título para tu noticia que sea corto y llamativo.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Present Tense Spanish Language and Grammar Worksheet

Can you help me understand this Spanish question?

To complete:

Fill each blank with the correct conjugated form of saber or conocer. USE PRESENT TENSE!

1. Los chicos alemanes no ______________________ a María.

2. Yo ____________________ la dirección y el teléfono del restaurante.

3. Mi papá _____________________ tocar la guitarra muy bien.

4. La secretaria ____________________ México; particularmente la Yucatán.

5. Nosotros no ________________________ la fecha de la fiesta en la playa.

6. Maricela _______________ a la presidenta de la compañía InterColombia.

7. ¡El empleado del hotel no ___________________ el número de mi habitación!

8. Mi esposo y yo ________________________ bucear y esquiar en agua muy bien.

9. Nuestro guía turístico _____________________ todos los sitios de interés.

10. Esas turistas puertorriqueñas ___________________ un hotel muy bueno en el D.F.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

ACE Computer Training Center La Science et La Technologie – Essai Persuasif

I’m working on a french writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

To complete this graded writing assessment, you will:

  1. Open the persuasive essay to which you are responding the file below. The persuasive essay is on pages 4 – 7.
  2. Open the audio file below. It is source number 3 of this persuasive essay. The audio file is also the prompt and timing that you will experience on the AP French final. Use the audio file to pace you so that you can practice the pacing that you will encounter on the AP French final.
  3. Review the rubric before completing your response. You should have seen it in the course content and/or in this folder.
  4. Type your response. You must include diacritical marks (accents) when necessary. You must also double space your response.
  5. Include your full name in the nomenclature of the file you upload to this folder. Here is an example: Doe_John_ST_persuasive_essay

Points to remember:

  1. Review important information and tips to help you be successful on the persuasive essay part of the AP French exam by opening the file below.
  2. Please do not use an online translator. Online translators do not work, especially for higher level language, and they are painfully obvious to your teacher. If you have questions about French, contact your teacher.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

TSL 2083 Seminole State College Oral Language Development Strategies Discussion

On pages 172-185 in the textbook, some specific activities are given as classroom practices. These will form the basis of this discussion. This discussion will include just a post (no response required).

For this discussion begin by completing the 2 items below:

1) Review pages 172-185

2) Choose one of the 11 strategies given on p.172-179. Create or find an activity that you could use with a class based on one of the strategies. This could be a warm up, assignment, project, assessment, etc. If you are currently teaching, consider creating (or finding) an activity you would/could actually use in a class.

If you teach (or want to teach) Math, Science, or Social Studies, then also think about academic language features (p. 179-185).

There are some videos given on p. 172-174 that may be helpful for ideas.

Then for your POST:

  • Give the title of the activity and the link (or write it out if you created it). Be sure that any link points to a specific activity. If there is more than one on the page where the link takes you, please be specific about which activity you are sharing. If giving an activity from a print journal or book, provide a complete citation. (2 pts.)
  • Tell which of the 11 strategies you chose (1 pt.)
  • Give a sample context in which you could use this activity. For example, what would you have students do with it? Would all students complete this or just your English Learners? Would it be a group activity, individual, pairs, etc.? Would it be at the beginning/middle/end of a unit, a lesson, a class, etc.? (min. 4 sentences) (4 pts.)
  • Give a suggested grade level and discipline (English, Math, Science, etc). Figure 5.5 on page 194 may aid in determining this. (1 pt.)
  • Tell in which of these categories you would place this activity: (1 pt.)
    • warm up
    • assessment (and specify before instruction, during instruction, or after instruction)
    • project
    • assignment (and specify in or out of class)
    • other – if you feel it fits somewhere not listed – and please specify how you would categorize it
  • Tell why you chose or created this particular activity or lesson plan, and how it might be especially helpful with ESL students (although you may do it with all students in your class). (min. 2 sentences) (2 pts.)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

TSL 2083 Seminole State College Early Literacy Development of English Learners Ques

Some of you will be working (or are working) with students who are beginning to read and write, and some of you will be working with students at other stages of their English Learning. For this assignment, I tried to pull some of the objectives to allow you to focus on early literacy development of students at any age. For those of you who teach older students (or want to in the future), tailor this assignment to potential students you may have who are brand new English learners. These students will go through some of the early literacy development described.

For this assignment, you have a choice of 3 questions to answer. Choose 2 to complete. Please include the question number in your answer. Your answers should be a minimum of 250 words each. If you use resources, give a citation. Please do not excessively quote or paraphrase from the textbook or other sources. Answer by touching on points offered in the text, then expand upon them, explain, give examples, etc.. Your answers should blend textbook ideas with your thoughts. I don’t want information straight from the text as answers (that’s already in the book, so it’s not needed here. I want to know what you think about the material :).

Here are the 3 questions to choose from:

  1. Discuss the research on the early literacy development of English Learners.

(Include your thoughts and opinions about what the textbook says about this – don’t just say what the textbook says.)

2. Describe several ways in which family and community may nurture early literacy of English learners.

(Again, please just don’t tell the ideas that the textbook gives, Use the textbook information as a jumping off point for your own ideas.)

3. Explain how to differentiate early literacy instruction for English learners.

(Don’t tell me about getting ready to differentiate – assessing and what you can use to assess their current level – talk about how you will actually differentiate. Don’t give a list of strategies, tell how will your instruction will be different for your native and non-native English speakers)

As always, be sure to submit well-written academic work.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

TSL 2083 Seminole State College My Experience as English Language Learner Essay

This assignment has two parts.

Part I:

To prep for this assignment, watch these 2 videos:

1) The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom (4:26)

Did you catch that part about 90 seconds of students talk?

The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom (Links to an external site.)The Importance of Oral Language Development in the ESL/ELL Classroom

2) What are the Differences Between Language Proficiency Levels by a Canadian Linguist, eh? (14:31)

This goes beyond the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels given in the textbook – and gives everyday examples.

What are the differences between language proficiency levels? (Links to an external site.)What are the differences between language proficiency levels?

Video: What are the differences in language proficiency levels? (captioned) (Links to an external site.)

Part II:

This assignment offers you a choice of four activities. This differentiates instruction, as well as offering opportunities for choice based on the resources accessible to you. Only choose this one if you have experience as a second language learner. And yes, those high school or college language classes count! Or if you have learned in another country, at home, etc.

Write a reflection (min. 15 sentences) about your experience as a second language learner. Use the following 7 questions to guide you:

  • Give a little intro/context (where, when, which language, circumstances, length of time, age at the time)
  • Were you taught listening before speaking?
  • When did reading and writing come in?
  • What do you see as the pros and cons of the method you experienced?
  • What level of proficiency did you attain with the second language?
  • What level of proficiency do you currently have with the second language? Why?
  • Based on the ideas presented in the textbook and your thoughts, which teaching ideas/strategies would have made your experience better? (If none, then which teaching ideas/strategies from the text were used in your experience?)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Spanish Reflexive Verbs Worksheet

I’m working on a spanish exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reflexive Verbs:

1. Yo _______ (reunirse) con mis amigos los sábados por la noche.

2. A las chicas no les gusta _____ (acercarse) a la araña.

3. Yo ________ (despertarse) cada mañana a las seis.

4 Ayer, Elena y yo ________ (levantarse) muy tarde..

5.Normalmente, yo ______ (acostarse) muy temprano.

6. Las chicas siempre _____________________ (vestirse) muy rápido por la mañana.

7. Pablo ____________________ (estar/lavarse) las manos.

8. Mi hija no ________________________ (cepillarse) el pelo muy bien.

9. ¿ _________________________________ (ducharse) vosotros todos los días?

10. ¿Cómo _________________________________ (llamarse) la chica nueva?

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Florida Atlantic University Cinco De Mayo Discussion

Compare the Holiday of “Cinco de Mayo” with a holiday of your own country by applying the vocabulary and grammatical structures studied in this module (Preterit of AR verbs). Read the .pdf and answer the questions in the “Después de leer” section – 1 and 2 for original post, 3 and 4 for responses.

  • Escribir mínimo 75 palabras
  • Responder a sus compañeros en 25 palabrasmínimo
  • Respetar la fecha limite
  • Escribir en español
  • Usar el tiempo verbal adecuado. (If you use tenses that you did not learn in this or the previous course, your instructor will take points off)

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Brasil Detecta Su Primera Posible Infección Por Hongo Superresistente Resumen