Health Medical Homework Help

MDC Medical Campus Ulcerative Colitis Soap Notes


I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

This is a soap note of a patient’ case with a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis . Same thing as always you do. ICD 10 with codes, plan, treatment, diagnostic test (important) references and everything as always. 🙂 There is an empty soap note attached to be used, and the one to be used as a reference

Health Medical Homework Help

George Mason University Covid 19 Data Analysis & Precision Medicine Discussions


1. Imagine that you are a data analyst who works for a large health care system. You’ve received the assignment to find all COVID-19 patients in your medical database. The problem is, the CDC has published ICD-10 codes for the disease which will go into effect the following month (meaning that they are not in active use yet). In the absence of these ICD-10 codes, what would your strategy be to identify COVID-19 patients?

Question 2

Briefly explain what pharmacogenomics is.

Give an example of an area where precision medicine is in use today. Be brief, but be as specific as you can 

Health Medical Homework Help

Rasmussen College Nursing Pregnancy Case Scenario Analytical Paper



You are a registered nurse (RN) working in a Women’s OB/GYN Clinic. Elizabeth Jones, 37 years old, presents to the prenatal clinic after missing her last 2 menstrual cycles. Her home pregnancy test was positive. An ultrasound at the clinic confirms pregnancy. Gestational age is calculated to be 10 weeks. An initial assessment of Ms. Jones’s medical and obstetrical history is as follows.

Obstetric/Gynecologic (OB/GYN) history: Uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39.2 weeks (3 years ago); Cesarean section x 1 at 37.5 weeks for non-reassuring fetal heart tones (1.5 years ago); abnormal Papanicolau (PAP) smear x2, + human papilloma virus (HPV), colposcopy within normal limits

Medical history: Chronic hypertension (HTN) x 5 years;

Allergies: Penicillin

Social history:
  • (+) tobacco, “occasional” per client (pt), <5 per/day currently, has smoked “off and on” for 15 years
  • (+) cocaine use, states she has not used any cocaine/drugs for > 1 year; (-) alcohol use
  • Abusive partner with first pregnancy, states she has a new partner x 4 years
  • Depression, currently not taking meds for treatment (tx)

Medications: Prenatal vitamins; Labetalol 200mg BID;

Family history: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (mother); HTN and heart disease (father); breast cancer (maternal grandmother, deceased)


Write a two to three-page analysis of this scenario that answers the following questions:

  1. What should the nurse consider related to caring for a client with a history of domestic abuse, drug use, sexually transmitted diseases and depression?
  2. Document the considerations of yourself as the professional nurse in regards to self-awareness; be aware of attitudes, values and beliefs that you hold related to clients from different social backgrounds so that care is not affected negatively.
  3. What conditions are in Mrs. Jones history that would cause concern during pregnancy, labor, and birth?
  4. What concerns should be discussed with Ms. Jones before she leaves her appointment?

Health Medical Homework Help

Florida National University Diabetes among the Hispanic Community Assessment


I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

Identify a population to assess and develop an evidence-based, primary care health promotion recommendations to deliver in their own communities (Ex: Hispanics-Diabetes, Africanamericans and Prostate Cancer,etc).

Note: my community is mostly Hispanic.

This an example of an student Posting:

Each population has some specific health issues that can require health promotion programs. American Indian population attracts attention in this context because of the specific state of affairs. Although this population has several main health issues for which health promotion can be required, all these issues can be solved by following the directions that cause a generally healthy lifestyle.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.), the main issues in the American Indian population is diabetes, obesity, and tobacco use. Even though those are three different issues, the health promotion for solving them is quite similar. Such promotions have to be generally focused on a healthy lifestyle. This means healthy nutrition – less fat and sweet food and more healthy food and balanced nutrition. The next item is physical activity – starting with such common advice as more walking and ending with making sport a healthy habit. This advice is also helpful for coping with tobacco use. This habit often appears when a person has stress with which it is hard to cope. However, sport is helpful in decreasing the level of stress, and therefore, it can be useful to break the smoking habit. Therefore, one can see that advice directed on causing a healthy lifestyle is helpful for coping with health issues, widespread in the American Indian population.

This way, one can see that even though the American Indian population has several main health issues that can require healthcare promotion programs, all these issues can be solved by following the directions that cause a generally healthy lifestyle. The issues of diabetes, obesity, and tobacco can be solved with healthy nutrition and physical activity.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Promotion. Retrieved 20 March 2020, from

Health Medical Homework Help

Emergency Management Presentation


  • Describe the history, structure, fundamentals, and evolution of Emergency Management on a powerpoint
  • presentation should include:
    • A graphic depiction of major historical points in chronological order (timeline, flow chart, diagram, etc)
    • Descriptions of each of the major historical points (utilize the presentation notes section)
    • Identification of the key figures involved in the field’s history
    • Identification of Public Health’s Role in Emergency Management and when it was included in the field’s history
    • The major changes that have resulted from various national and local incidents/events to include (but not limited to) the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, the Boston Marathon bombing, the coronavirus pandemic, and any additional pertinent event up to the present that has had an impact on the field of Emergency Management

Health Medical Homework Help

Strayer Univeristy Healthcare Laws Court Case Analysis Paper


The health law field currently has undergone, and will continue to undergo, enormous change. Among the multitude of challenges are legal implications that come with electronic health records (EHRs), payments based on patient outcomes, mergers, fraud, insurance disbursements, and antitrust laws—just to name few. In addition, disruptive medical innovations, such as biotechnology and treatment research, have created new concerns over ethics and privacy.

To perform proficiently as a health care administrator, the current environment requires that you have an understanding of key health care laws such as the following:

  • Stark Law.
  • HIPAA for Professionals.
  • HITECH Act Enforcement Interim Final Rule.
  • Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA).
  • A Roadmap for New Physicians: Fraud & Abuse Laws; Anti-Kickback Statute.
  • The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008.

In this assignment, imagine you work as an administrator in a hospital or health care organization. You are being considered for a promotion and are being asked to prepare a report for senior leadership that demonstrates your knowledge and interpretation of one of the above-mentioned health care laws.

To complete this report, select a court case where one of these health care laws was violated. Write an analysis of the law and the selected case following the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, and Conclude. Be sure to also address how organizational leadership in the selected court case could move forward to ensure that the health care law isn’t violated again in the future.

Health Medical Homework Help

Norfolk State University Public Health Questions


I’m working on a public health multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Attached is a link to an article discussing the closure of the Rural Hospitals.

After reading the article:

Utilizing two sources other than the attached article, the reasons that have been identified by the literature for the closures.

Discuss how these reasons are related to the population descriptions that were presented in the PowerPoint.

Discuss how, even though, the geographic areas share population similarities, that urban hospitals are not facing the same immediate issues?

Health Medical Homework Help

CTUO Endocrine Disorders and Reproductive Disorders Questions


I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me learn.

This discussion includes 4 choices about endocrine disorders and reproductive disorders. Select 1 of the following topics to discuss:

  • Topic 1: Compare and contrast the types of precocious puberty.
  • Topic 2: Compare and contrast the risk factors and epidemiologic origins of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • Topic 3: How would you differentiate between an enlarged testis caused by orchitis and cancer of the testis?
  • Topic 4: Why are STIs more frequent and severe in women?

Support your response with at least 2 APA-cited scholarly references. One of the references must include UpToDate.

Health Medical Homework Help

San Diego State University State of the Restaurant Industry Report Measure Virus Essay


The world around us is changing each and every day and those decisions greatly affect our lives as nutrition students and food service professionals. It is important for us to be aware of the events that are going on around us locally and nationally and how they are affecting our industry.

  1. Select a current event article and/or topic that relates to food service or food service management.
  2. Post a link to this article.
  3. Create a five-paragraph write-up with the link to the article that discusses the following items:
    • Summarize the article.
    • How does this topic relate to food service or management
    • How will this news affect the foodservice world and/or food service profession?
    • Why did you pick this topic? What interested you about it?
    • Do you agree with what the article is saying? State your opinions on the topic.