Health Medical Homework Help

UC Benners Novice the Beginner to Expert Paradigm Discussion


I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Using Benner’s Novice to Expert Model, describe a situation illustrating how a nurse functioning primarily at a competent level of expertise can promote learning for a new graduate functioning as a novice nurse

Health Medical Homework Help

CSUN Electronic Medical Records & Hospital Acquired Infections Questions


I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1) Reflect on Miller and colleagues’ research on new graduate preparedness in working with electronic medical records (EMR). What challenges and benefits do you anticipate, or have you experienced, when interfacing with the EMR? What strategies can you implement to ensure that you have a smooth transition in your documentation while using the EMR?

Article to be used: Miller, L., Stimely, M., Matheny, P., Pope, M., McAtee, R., & Miller, K. (2014). Novice nurse preparedness to use electronic health records in acute care settings: Critical informatics knowledge and skill gaps. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 18(2). Retrieved from…

  • Respond in one well-developed paragraph.
  • Cite Miller and colleagues’ research/references in proper APA Style


A patient is ready for discharge when she spikes a fever of 101.3°F. A call to the physician results in an order for IV antibiotics to be administered every 12 hours for 48 hours. The patient’s family arrives to take her home, and they discover that she now has an IV and will not be discharged for 2 days. They ask, “What happened? Did our mother catch something in the hospital? We thought this is a place of healing.” How will you respond? Your response may have legal implications.

In one well-developed paragraphs (12-point font):

  • Describe one strategy you will incorporate in your practice to ensure that you are providing evidence-based care in the prevention of HAIs.
  • Cite your references in proper APA Style.

Health Medical Homework Help

East Los Angeles College Substance & Non Substance Addiction Discussion Paper


PICOT topic: Addiction

PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:

P = Patient population

I = Intervention or issue of interest

C = Comparison of interventions or comparison of interests

O = Outcome

T = Time frame


In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?

use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.

Include the following:

  • Title page
  • Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.
  • Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.
  • Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.

Health Medical Homework Help

Herzing University Online Policy on EMR Best Practices Report


Taking short-cuts in any profession can be a risk, but when it comes to health record documentation, short-cuts can impact the patient, provider, and health care entity. You are the clinical operations manager of the new surgical center.

You manage all physicians and other ancillary providers. You discover that no formal policy exists regarding “best practices” for EMR documentation.

Create a 2-3 page policy on EMR Best Practices 

  • Include an introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the policy.
  • Divide the policy contents into two sections: administrative staff, and clinical staff. 
  • Include at least three best practices (some of these may be the same for both administrative and clinical staff, but you should strive to identify specific best practices for each group).
  • Include at least four (two for admin, two for clinical staff) common mistakes, short-cuts, etc. and how and why to avoid them.

Health Medical Homework Help

Southeastern Community College Week 4 Functional Wellness Discussion


Functional Wellness

  • Identify two strategies you can implement to provide comfort to maintain function with an ethnically diverse older adult with a chronic disease?
  • These strategies can be nutrition, ADLs, exercise, etc.

Health Medical Homework Help

American University of Puerto Rico Week 4 Gun Control in the United States Essay


I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Read: Chapter 11

Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:

  1. Is the current taxation system effective or not?
  2. Are men paid more than women in the corporate sector?
  3. Is college tuition becoming way too expensive?
  4. Are test scores the only way to judge the competency of a student?
  5. What can be done about gun control in the United States?

Health Medical Homework Help

NSG 4067 SECC Wk 5 Age Associated Cognitive Decline Mental Capabilities Essay


Analysis of an Age Related Topic

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style conduct in-depth analysis of a pertinent topic related to aging. Include the following in your analysis:

  • Define the problem.
  • Identify the specific population affected.
  • Describe cultural implications.
  • Describe financial/legal/ethical implications for the population related to the problem.
  • Describe 2-3 interventions that can be used to improve the problem.
  • Describe resources available to improve the problem.
  • Describe costs associated with the interventions identified.
  • Discussed sustainability of the interventions.

Support your responses with examples.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

  • APA Citation Helper
    • APA Citations Quick Sheet
    • APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
    • Basic Essay Template