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MBA 548 Champlain College MBA Leadership Seminar Discussion


Part A. Aligning Leadership Approaches with Personal Leadership Development

Considering Hernandez etal’s two-dimensional framework, we see how perspectives about leadership vary. We can note that with time preferences for particular types of shift; distributions of power and leadership loci are fluid. People, social values, time, events, and place shape perspectives about leadership and leaders. Please answer all 4 questions.

  • Have you considered how your preferred leader traits (ILTs) and your growth plans coincide with your personal and social schema?
  • Have you found that your own leadership preferences and leadership identity have been shaped by people, social values, time, events, and places within your own experience?
  • Given this influence how might you make sense of what our authors tell us this week? And how would you account for the possible tension you have observed or experienced given these differing approaches?
  • How might you make sense of leadership approach difference and the call for organizations today to make space for a particular leadership approach?

Part B. Anticipating Organizational Challenges to Leadership Approach

Explore how your leadership approach has been a result of your personal scheme–your experiences, beliefs, and role models. Please answer all four questions in detail.

  • How is this approach framed and explained by Hernandez et al’s two-dimensional model?
  • How do your preferences for approaching leadership fit within the needs of today’s organization?
  • How are your leadership preferences aligned and in conflict with the organization’s existing prevalent approach? Pose why you believe your leadership approach, if you were to be authentically you, is needed given today’s turbulence and VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity)?
  • How might you work within the existing leadership-approach norm to shift your organization so that it includes your preference. Present why this shift would be important?

Note: Please answer separately in one document, 2 pages for Part A and 4 full pages for Part B excluding the cover and reference pages. Please do not forget the conclusion and references. The references must include the URL address.

Health Medical Homework Help

NSG 6330 South University Female Patient with Pelvic Pain Clinical Case Study


For this discussion assignment utilize the Aquifer Case Study that is assigned for week 5:

Diagnostic Excellence 3: 16 yr old female with pelvic pain.

After doing the cases, discuss the care of this 16 yr old female including, but not limited to the following:

  • Physical Examination
  • Clinical Management
  • Education
  • Possible Long Term Sequelae
  • Confidentiality
  • As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. I have attached the Case study and notes

Health Medical Homework Help

STU Endocrine Disorder Presentation


Discuss the Nursing care of age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder.

Present the age-related Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder
Choose from one: Integumentary function, Urinary function, Musculoskeletal function or Endocrine function.

Describe the age-related changes and common problems and conditions.

Summarize the nursing management appropriate for your Physiologic or Psychologic Disorder chosen

Health Medical Homework Help

An Assessment of The Culture of Safety in The Clinical Agency Essay


This assignment is designed for the student to examine safety factors of a selected patient and to reflect on own nursing practice. The student will evaluate individual and healthcare environment risks to a patient. Meets course learning outcomes 1,2,3,5.


Write each section of the paper according to the following guidelines:

1.  Total length of paper 7-9 pages including title and reference page.

2.  Utilize current resources (within five years) such as literature, websites, and textbooks.

3.  A minimum of four (4) reference sources must be incorporated from at least two (2) nursing journals, one (1) QSEN Guideline and one (1) National Patient Safety Goal.  Make sure to properly cite facility policy and procedures.    

4.  Utilize APA guidelines for all documentation and formatting style, including headings and in text citation.

5.  Paper must be typed, double-spaced, and include a title page and reference page.  

6.  The final paper will be graded according to the rubric. A maximum of 100 points may be earned for the Safety Assessment Paper.

7.  Turn in the Grading Rubric with the paper.  The student will be notified of the grade for this

   assignment on the returned grading rubric. 

Refer to the following: 

QSEN Guidelines, which can be found at….  

Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals at

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at (Home and Recreational Safety)

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) at (Home Safety Check List)

Other sources: The National Patient Safety Foundation, National Safety Council, etc. 

The paper will consist of the following sections: 

A. Assessment of the culture of safety in the clinical agency.

1. Identify examples of nursing care related to safety.

2. Review agency policies and procedures.

3. Identify presence of safety cues in the environment.

4. Identify reporting mechanism for errors and their use in the clinical agency

B. Assessment of the patient’s immediate environment for safety.

1. Identify sources of potential harm to the patient: clutter, lighting, obstacles on the floor, timeliness of call light response, bed/chair alarms

2. Availability of safety equipment.

C. Assessment of home environment related to safety hazards (for Rehabilitation patients ONLY).

1. Interview patient and or family regarding home environment.

2. Identify sources of safety risk in the home.

3. Educate patient about safety at home.

      Assessment of home environment related to safety hazards (for Long Term Care patients ONLY)

        1.    Identify through research examples of safety risks in the home of elderly patients

                      2.   Develop an educational plan about safety at home for this population. 

D. Assessment of the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional status in terms of safety.

1. Complete clinical agency risk assessment tools (fall risk and skin assessment tool) and  patient’shealth needs (glasses, hearing aids, and other physical conditions that may compromise safety)

E.   Identify strategies used by the institution to meet national patient safety goals.

F.   Identify and discuss on your role in error prevention for this patient.

Health Medical Homework Help

UA Big Brown Numbers Discussion Questions


Big Brown Numbers

It’s the world’s largest package delivery company with the instantly recognizable trucks.  Every day, United Parcel Service (UPS) transports more than 18 million packages and documents throughout the United States and to more than 220 countries and territories, including every address in North America and Europe. (Total worldwide delivery volume was 4.6 billion packages and documents in 2014.) Delivering those packages efficiently and on time is what UPS gets paid to do, and that takes a massive effort in helping drivers to make decisions about the best routes to follow.

UPS has been described as an EFFICIENCY FREAK.

Efficiency and uniformity have always been important to UPS. The importance of work rules, procedures, and analytic tools are continually stressed to drivers through training and retraining. For instance, drivers are taught to hold their keys on a pinky finger so they don’t waste time fumbling in their pockets for the keys. And for safety reasons, they’re taught no-left turns and no backing up. Now, however, the company has been testing and rolling out a quantum leap in its long-used business model of uniformity and efficiency. It goes by the name ORION, which stands for On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation. What it boils down to is helping UPS drivers shave millions of miles off their delivery routes using decision algorithms built by a team of mathematicians. Consider that each UPS driver makes an average of 120 stops per day. The efficiency challenge is deciding the best order to make all those stops (6,689,502,913,449,135 + 183 zeroes of possible alternatives)—taking into consideration “variables such as special delivery times, road regulations, and the existence of private roads that don’t appear on a map?” Another description of the logistics decision challenge: There are more ways to deliver packages along an average driver’s route “than there are nanoseconds that Earth has existed.” Any way you look at it, that’s a lot of alternatives. The human mind can’t even begin to figure it out. But the ORION algorithm, which has taken 10 years and an estimated hundreds of millions of dollars to build, is the next best thing. IT experts have described ORION as the largest investment in operations research ever by any company.

So what does ORION do? Instead of searching for the one best answer, ORION is designed to refine itself over time, leading to a balance between an optimum result and consistency to help drivers make the best possible decisions about route delivery. And considering how many miles UPS drivers travel every day, saving a dollar or two here and there can add up quickly. When a driver “logs on” his delivery information acquisition device (DIAD) at the beginning of his shift each workday, what comes up are two possible ways to make the day’s package deliveries: one that uses ORION and one that uses the “old” method. The driver can choose to use either one but if ORION is not chosen, the driver is asked to explain the decision. The roll-out of ORION hasn’t been without challenges. Some drivers have been reluctant to give up autonomy; others have had trouble understanding ORION’s logic—why deliver a package in one neighborhood in the morning and come back to the same neighborhood later in the day. But despite the challenges, the company is committed to ORION, saying that “a driver together with ORION is better than each alone.”

Why is efficiency and safety so important to UPS?

Would you characterize a driver’s route decisions as structured or unstructured problems? Programmed or non-programmed decisions? Explain.

How would ORION technology help drivers make better decisions? (Think of the steps in the decision-making process.)

  1. How is UPS being a sustainable corporation?

Health Medical Homework Help

ELAC Aging Adults Care for Themselves Pamphlet


Create a pamphlet using any type of publisher software you choose to educate clients on a current patient safety issue.

For example:

  • How aging adults can care for themselves at home
  • Medication–polypharmacy and how a patient cannot make a self-medication error,
  • Or other appropriate safety issues.

Submit pamphlet as a PDF.

Your pamphlet must include the following items:

  1. At least five tips for preventive care for the patient.
  2. Information that should be shared with family or caregivers.
  3. Local resources in the community that might be available for this type of safety concern.
  4. At least three APA-formatted references published within the last five years.

Health Medical Homework Help

University of Arlington Week 13 Communication & Information Technology Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.

What types of communication flows are evident in your workplace (or former workplace)? Is the workplace more consistent with a flat or horizontal organization? What type of organization would you prefer to work in and why? Discuss information technology and how IT is used, with regard to describe the three primary types of information systems, and list the five components of your example.

Health Medical Homework Help

HLT 362 CUMS Quality Improvement Initiative Executive Summary


In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following:

  • The purpose of the quality improvement initiative.
  • The target population or audience.
  • The benefits of the quality improvement initiative.
  • The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative.
  • The cost or budget justification.
  • The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Health Medical Homework Help

FAU Contraception In Vitro Fertilization Discussion



  • Ethical and Religious Directives (ERD) for Catholic Health Care Services (6th ed.). (2018).
    Paragraphs: 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 53
  • PHI 3633 

Access to book:


Assignment below:

After studying the course materials located on Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

  1. Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse.
  2. Difference between reproduction and procreation.
  3. What are the two dimensions of intimacy?
  4. Contraception:
    • What is it?
    • What is the intention of contraception?
    • Describe the three types of artificial contraception.
    • Risks / Side effects
    • Bioethical analysis and unfair dynamics of artificial contraception.
  5. Non-Therapeutic sterilization; bioethical analysis
  6. Principle of double effect; explain
  7. Bioethical analysis of:
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Cancerous reproductive system with pregnancy
  8. In Vitro Fertilization(IVF):
    • Process
    • Bioethical analysis of IVF
  9. Bioethical analysis of “to have a child”
  10. Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 53.